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The code of your destiny: numerology for beginners. Numerology for beginners: learn about the influence of numbers on human life

People are much more dependent on numbers than is commonly realized. This statement applies to both a city person involved in the frantic rhythm of modern civilization and a villager living in the wilderness. Deprive any of us of the concept of numbers and we will perish. And in the literal sense of the word. A village resident will not be able to provide himself with his daily bread, since he will not be able to navigate the time of planting and harvesting, although he will survive without numbers a little longer than a city dweller. The existence of the latter will instantly turn into complete chaos without numbers. Imagine what will happen to our technogenic civilization if we deprive it of numbers. Remember the famous computer panic of the beginning of the millennium? Even the most advanced specialists feared big troubles when computer time switched to the year 2000. But this is a small thing compared to the numerical vacuum. A modern city dweller is faced with a huge number of numbers every day in his everyday life. Computers, telephones, cash registers, banknotes, credit cards, license plates of cars and public transport... The list is endless. Try to count how many numbers you perceive not even every day, but in just one hour of a completely ordinary day. I assure you, it will turn out much more than you expect. People are accustomed to not focusing on the meaning of numbers in their lives. In the same way, they do not notice their own breathing, gravity and the passage of time.

But such a person’s dependence on numbers is just the tip of the iceberg. Materialistic elite. Much deeper in each of us is a mystical perception of numbers. The history of the mystical relationship between man and numbers begins in early childhood. And these relationships are formed, in particular, when the baby is read or told fairy tales. Three heroes, a distant kingdom, three sons or three daughters, three wishes, a seven-flowered flower and similar numerical images. The selection of “magic” numbers in fairy tales is not accidental. In every culture, fairy tale numbers directly depend on the religion professed by the people who create these fairy tales. In particular, in Orthodoxy, the magic number in fairy tales is most often 3. It is not difficult to guess that the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit) is directly related to this myth-making. The pagan roots of fairy tales familiar to us from childhood are expressed in the numbers 7, 9 and 33. At the most crucial moment - at the moment of formation of not only the consciousness of the child, but also his spiritual core - the little man gets used to endowing these numbers with miraculous properties. And even if he subsequently completely forgets about the fairy tales he read, the subconscious (spiritual) awe of these numbers remains with him for the rest of his life. In addition, the matured child in each of us still fulfills the need for mystical numbers, only on the basis of superstitions. The unlucky number 13 poisons the lives of many superstitious people. Seeing a black cat crossing the road, most people will spit three times over their left shoulder, without really thinking about why this should be done. Few people realize that in everyday material life they are often guided by the number 3 as fateful. And yet this is exactly the case.

“Magic”, mystical numbers are present in the life of every person. Regardless of what culture he was brought up in. If you are interested in the topic of this book, you are welcome to come under the mysterious canopy of the tree of numerology.

Numerology - the algebra of fate

Numerology is a mystical knowledge that contains (possibly) the secret of the creation of the universe. This statement was first voiced by the Pythagoreans, who relied on the Egyptian and Eastern roots of numerology. It still remains unclear from which country the ancient knowledge came to the modern world. Some numerologists insist that it is from India, someone claims that it is from Egypt, different sources name different countries. Yes, needless to say, opinions vary greatly. Unfortunately, this book will not be able to contain even a hundredth of the most interesting numerological theories and practices.

The more I study numerology, the more I admire its versatility. Numerology as a system of knowledge about the world around us includes concepts that correspond to the material world, energy and spiritual development of a person, that is, it answers any question that a person may have. Which, however, is not surprising, because numbers – openly or hidden – surround us from birth to the end of our life’s journey.

Numerological techniques can be compared to the smooth surface of a mirror: by looking closely at it, a person can discern in himself all the advantages and additional capabilities that he had not noticed before.

Every person's life is determined by some numbers, and their combinations are incredible. And the science of numerology, its forecasts and predictions are individual for everyone. Numerology can tell you not only about important events in your life, but also tell you about a diet that is suitable for you, and a method of treatment with traditional medicine. For myself, I define numerology as the algebra of fate. A clearly posed question can receive an equally clear answer. So, let's begin?..

Numerology Basics

First acquaintance with numbers

Numerology has principles and concepts that are common to all calculations. For example, the concept base numbers. The basic numbers in numerology are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. They all have their own meanings (different in different calculations). If, during the calculation process, you receive a number following nine, this number is not basic and you need to add further (10 = 1 + 0 = 1). But numbers 11 and 22 are exceptions. In numerology they have a special meaning and are called master numbers. The master number is a number of the highest order. A person in whose calculations 11 or 22 appears must definitely know about this and draw the appropriate conclusions for himself. True, in practice, a person who receives 11 or 22 in calculations rarely fully corresponds to the concept of a master number, so you can add further (1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 2 = 4). However, the presence of these numbers, even in intermediate calculations, has a strong influence on his life.

One is a symbol of self-confidence. It emphasizes such human qualities as independence, leadership, and ambition. This number is characterized by the desire to go towards the goal in one’s own way, without counting on anyone’s help, and the desire to be the first in everything.

The most important thing for a Two is relationships with the outside world. Her well-being depends on how harmonious and strong they are. The characteristics of a Two can be expressed in words: friendliness, contact, compliance, objectivity. Two has the gift of maintaining relationships with people in any setting and under any conditions.

Troika is a great storyteller and an equally great listener. The scope of her talents is not limited, but most often manifests itself in literature. Troika can turn boring everyday life into a constant holiday. Doesn't get discouraged under any circumstances. Eternal optimist.


Four, at first glance, seems like an unlucky number. This number is not due to difficulties, but to hard work. Yes, the Four does not get anything for nothing, but the satisfaction from the result obtained is much greater than that of others. Not everyone succeeds in finding a foothold to turn the world upside down, but the Four are capable of this. Reliability, sincerity, vitality - these are the main features of this number.

People are much more dependent on numbers than is commonly realized. This statement applies to both a city person involved in the frantic rhythm of modern civilization and a villager living in the wilderness. Deprive any of us of the concept of numbers and we will perish. And in the literal sense of the word. A village resident will not be able to provide himself with his daily bread, since he will not be able to navigate the time of planting and harvesting, although he will survive without numbers a little longer than a city dweller. The existence of the latter will instantly turn into complete chaos without numbers. Imagine what will happen to our technogenic civilization if we deprive it of numbers. Remember the famous computer panic of the beginning of the millennium? Even the most advanced specialists feared big troubles when computer time switched to the year 2000. But this is a small thing compared to the numerical vacuum. A modern city dweller is faced with a huge number of numbers every day in his everyday life. Computers, telephones, cash registers, banknotes, credit cards, license plates of cars and public transport... The list is endless. Try to count how many numbers you perceive not even every day, but in just one hour of a completely ordinary day. I assure you, it will turn out much more than you expect. People are accustomed to not focusing on the meaning of numbers in their lives. In the same way, they do not notice their own breathing, gravity and the passage of time.

But such a person’s dependence on numbers is just the tip of the iceberg. Materialistic elite. Much deeper in each of us is a mystical perception of numbers. The history of the mystical relationship between man and numbers begins in early childhood. And these relationships are formed, in particular, when the baby is read or told fairy tales. Three heroes, a distant kingdom, three sons or three daughters, three wishes, a seven-flowered flower and similar numerical images. The selection of “magic” numbers in fairy tales is not accidental. In every culture, fairy tale numbers directly depend on the religion professed by the people who create these fairy tales. In particular, in Orthodoxy, the magic number in fairy tales is most often 3. It is not difficult to guess that the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit) is directly related to this myth-making. The pagan roots of fairy tales familiar to us from childhood are expressed in the numbers 7, 9 and 33. At the most crucial moment - at the moment of formation of not only the consciousness of the child, but also his spiritual core - the little man gets used to endowing these numbers with miraculous properties. And even if he subsequently completely forgets about the fairy tales he read, the subconscious (spiritual) awe of these numbers remains with him for the rest of his life. In addition, the matured child in each of us still fulfills the need for mystical numbers, only on the basis of superstitions. The unlucky number 13 poisons the lives of many superstitious people.

Seeing a black cat crossing the road, most people will spit three times over their left shoulder, without really thinking about why this should be done. Few people realize that in everyday material life they are often guided by the number 3 as fateful. And yet this is exactly the case.

“Magic”, mystical numbers are present in the life of every person. Regardless of what culture he was brought up in. If you are interested in the topic of this book, you are welcome to come under the mysterious canopy of the tree of numerology.


Numerology is a mystical knowledge that contains (possibly) the secret of the creation of the universe. This statement was first voiced by the Pythagoreans, who relied on the Egyptian and Eastern roots of numerology. It still remains unclear from which country the ancient knowledge came to the modern world. Some numerologists insist that it is from India, someone claims that it is from Egypt, different sources name different countries. Yes, needless to say, opinions vary greatly. Unfortunately, this book will not be able to contain even a hundredth of the most interesting numerological theories and practices.

The more I study numerology, the more I admire its versatility. Numerology as a system of knowledge about the world around us includes concepts that correspond to the material world, energy and spiritual development of a person, that is, it answers any question that a person may have. Which, however, is not surprising, because numbers – openly or hidden – surround us from birth to the end of our life’s journey.

Numerological techniques can be compared to the smooth surface of a mirror: by looking closely at it, a person can discern in himself all the advantages and additional capabilities that he had not noticed before.

Every person's life is determined by some numbers, and their combinations are incredible. And the science of numerology, its forecasts and predictions are individual for everyone. Numerology can tell you not only about important events in your life, but also tell you about a diet that is suitable for you, and a method of treatment with traditional medicine. For myself, I define numerology as the algebra of fate. A clearly posed question can receive an equally clear answer. So, let's begin?..


Numerology has principles and concepts that are common to all calculations. For example, the concept basic numbers. The basic numbers in numerology are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. They all have their own meanings (different in different calculations). If, during the calculation process, you receive a number following nine, this number is not basic and you need to add further (10 = 1 + 0 = 1). But numbers 11 and 22 are exceptions. In numerology they have a special meaning and are called master numbers. The master number is a number of the highest order. A person in whose calculations 11 or 22 appears must definitely know about this and draw the appropriate conclusions for himself. True, in practice, a person who receives 11 or 22 in calculations rarely fully corresponds to the concept of a master number, so you can add further (1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 2 = 4). However, the presence of these numbers, even in intermediate calculations, has a strong influence on his life.


One is a symbol of self-confidence. It emphasizes such human qualities as independence, leadership, and ambition. This number is characterized by the desire to go towards the goal in one’s own way, without counting on anyone’s help, and the desire to be the first in everything.


The most important thing for a Two is relationships with the outside world. Her well-being depends on how harmonious and strong they are. The characteristics of a Two can be expressed in words: friendliness, contact, compliance, objectivity. Two has the gift of maintaining relationships with people in any setting and under any conditions.


Troika is a great storyteller and an equally great listener. The scope of her talents is not limited, but most often manifests itself in literature. Troika can turn boring everyday life into a constant holiday. Doesn't get discouraged under any circumstances. Eternal optimist.


Four, at first glance, seems like an unlucky number. This number is not due to difficulties, but to hard work. Yes, the Four does not get anything for nothing, but the satisfaction from the result obtained is much greater than that of others. Not everyone succeeds in finding a foothold to turn the world upside down, but the Four are capable of this. Reliability, sincerity, vitality - these are the main features of this number.


Five is a parade of possibilities. Festival of abilities and interests. Always full of enthusiasm, people of this number prefer to be on the move. The variety of interests allows her to communicate with a variety of people and receive not only pleasure from it, but also benefit.


The key concept for the Six is ​​maintaining balance in everything: this includes relationships with people of other numbers and material well-being. For this number to be completely happy, it is not enough to just receive; you also need to give, and this applies to everything: friendship, love, knowledge.


The destiny of the Seven is solitude, research, and the pursuit of perfection. People of this number adore everything mysterious and strive to understand the essence of all phenomena. Seven prefers to accumulate experience and knowledge on their own, not trusting the judgments of other people. The desire for solitude becomes especially strong in difficult life situations.


Complete materialist. He doesn’t take anything for granted; he demands proof of everything. Only a real, tangible, practical result is recognized as positive. The essence of this number is: determination, fearlessness, responsibility, competence. Eight is sometimes called the “businessman’s number.”


The defining task for Nine is serving people. The main difficulty in fulfilling this mission is to learn to give what you already have without demanding anything in return.

Master number Eleven

Master number. Representatives of this number usually have increased intuition and the ability to use internal reserves inaccessible to other people. They can make various discoveries and comprehend things hidden to most. However, the capabilities of this master number are not so often used in everyday life. Often the number 11 simply reduces to Two.

Master number Twenty two

Another master number, even stronger than 11. A person with this master number can exhibit extrasensory abilities and become literally a Creator and Creator. These people have charisma, a talent for organizing, and can subdue and captivate people. However, in ordinary life, the properties of the number 22 are realized very rarely and, as a rule, 22 is reduced to the usual Four.


In order to start any numerological calculation, we need only two parameters - the date of birth (day, month, year) and the full name that you received at birth. This name, even if you later change it or rarely use it, is of particular importance for numerological research, since it represents the basis for further development.

We may also need your nickname or diminutive name that certain people call you. We will also take into account the change of surname. However, all this data is of secondary importance.

Numerological addition (collapse)

Numerological addition (sometimes called convolution) is very simple to do.

You need to add up all the digits of a particular number in question. If the result is one of the base numbers (1, 2... 11, 22), the addition stops; if not, it is performed again.

For example, let's take 1967.

Add: 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 = 23

23 is not a base number, so we continue the addition:

Thus, the result of the numerological addition of the number 1967 is the number 5.

If several numbers are involved in the addition - say, day, month and year, then first we perform the folding of each of the numbers separately, and only then we add the resulting base numbers. And then, if necessary, we collapse the resulting amount.

For example: 04/17/1976.

Let's add it up like this:

First day: 1 + 7 = 8.

Then the month: 04 = 4 (zero is not used in numerology or is used in very rare cases, which are agreed upon in advance).

Now all together: 8 + 4 + 5 = 17 = 8.

The result of numerological addition is the number 8.

Another example: 03/25/1963.

Let's add it up like this:

First day: 2 + 5 = 7.

Then the month: 03 = 3 (zero is not used in numerology).

Then the year: 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1.

Now all together: 7 + 3 + 1 = 11 . Here it is, the master number! Decide for yourself whether to continue adding to 2 (1+1=2).

Numerical correspondences of letters of the alphabet

In order to calculate the number of your name, you need to understand the numerical correspondences of the letters of the alphabet. The calculation is made according to the table.

For the English alphabet the correspondences are:

For example, let's calculate the number of the name Stanislav. We add using the table.

1 + 2 + 1 + 6+1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 3 = 20 = 2.

The result of numerological addition for the name Stanislav is the number 2.

If you need to calculate the number of a full name, then first add for the first name, then for the patronymic, then for the last name. The resulting numbers are then added and reduced to the base number.


Numerological characteristics are divided into basic and additional. The main ones reveal those personality traits that will help you set and then achieve your main goals and fulfill your destiny. Simply put, with their help you can determine that during your life (by and large) you need to do several things: plant a tree, give birth to a child and build a house; they will also tell you how you personally need to act to achieve this.

The main characteristics include decoding of the Life Path Number, the Expression Number, and the Soul Motivation Number, based on the full date of birth and full name, surname and patronymic. Additional numerological characteristics will help you navigate situations that are less fateful, but important. Continuing the analogy, we can say that with their help you can determine the type of tree that you need to plant, what material will be easiest for you to build a house from, and how many children will make you truly happy. Additional characteristics include the Expression Number and the Soul Drive Number, which are based on the calculation of your pet name or the name your loved one calls you. Our various names occupy an intermediate position. Some of them are closer to the basic level - say, the name that is written in the passport, if it differs from the one given at birth, or the surname that a woman receives when she gets married. Other names are closer to additional decodings: what friends, parents, colleagues call us. Today your name is this, tomorrow it’s that, one friend prefers one of your names, another prefers another.

To make it easier for you to understand what this or that number is responsible for, I will give definitions of all numerological meanings.

Life Path Number

The Life Path number is the main numerological characteristic. This number is determined based on the full date of birth and shows the main personal characteristics of a person, helps to more fully reveal the global goals and objectives that life sets for this person. The life path can also help determine the most effective direction for a person’s development, his capabilities and abilities.

Birthday Number

The Birthday number is an additional numerological characteristic. Calculation is based on birthday. This number provides more specific information about a person’s character and inclinations, and also determines ways to achieve life goals and objectives. Despite its secondary role in numerological characteristics, the Birthday Number is important because it manifests itself in a person’s personality to a greater extent and is more practical for everyday use.

The Life Path and Birthday Numbers are based on the date of birth, while the Expression Number and Soul Drive Number are based on the person’s name, full or abbreviated.

Expression Number

The Expression Number is the result of the numerological addition of the numbers of a person’s full name. This number is responsible for a person’s talents, his calling and spiritual inclinations.

Soul Urge Number

When calculating the Number of Soul Urge, the numerological addition of the name is also used, but in this case only the sum of the digits of the vowels is used. Decoding the Number of Mental Motivation will help to more accurately determine the motives of certain actions of a person, his impulses. It also clarifies the sincerity of a person’s aspirations and helps determine which of them are truly characteristic of this particular person, and which were formed under the influence of others.

Personality Number

The Personality Number is calculated by adding the person's name numerologically, but only the sum of the consonants is used. The Personality Number characterizes the impression that a person makes on others. In other words, those sides of his nature that he prefers to use as his calling card and with which most people are familiar. The Personality Number does not affect the inner world of a person at all, providing information only about external manifestations (actions).

Number of Reason

The Number of Reason is an additional numerological characteristic that, when deciphered, gives an idea of ​​a person’s way of thinking and his individual inclinations.

* * *

In order to more accurately understand the relationship between the main and additional characteristics in the general numerological portrait of a person, I will give an abstract example. If we are asked to characterize a person we don’t know well, we won’t be able to say much. The maximum that we can comment on is profession (occupation), marital status (and even then not always) and approximate (often “by eye”) age. Of course, this very simple information refers to the main components of human life. But this does not mean at all that we know much about this person.

And only by getting to know a person more closely, perhaps having eaten more than a pound of salt with him, can we say: has this person chosen a profession for himself in accordance with his vocation or is he simply serving the prescribed hours at work; whether he is happy in his family life or whether his marriage has already become a meaningless habit; how old he is, not according to his passport, but in spirit. Who will undertake to say which knowledge is more important? But in order to effectively help a person in difficult times, it would be better to know him closely.

We are not the same every day. Why, every minute we live is different from one another! Sometimes we are sad, sometimes we are happy. Moreover, the reasons may be different each time for both. But there are some unshakable values ​​that constitute (by and large) our destiny. Basic and additional numerological characteristics differ from each other, like different tools that we use to repair the same mechanism. In one case, we may need a thin screwdriver, and in another, it may even come down to a sledgehammer. The choice of tool depends on the breakdown. But, most importantly, it is necessary that the entire set of tools is at hand.

Additional numerological characteristics allow you to solve everyday problems and tasks, therefore it is necessary to use everyday names that are most suitable for each specific case to calculate and decipher them.


There is some knowledge that can be called the foundation of numerology. The Life Path number is the base number. It will tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of a person, given to him from birth and remaining unchanged throughout his entire life. This number should only be used at special, turning points in life. It, like a lighthouse, will help you avoid underwater reefs and shoals in the sea of ​​your life. Lost course? The Life Path number will show you the direction of movement.

This number can be compared to the human skeleton, which sets the constant outline of the body: foot size, height, length of arms and legs. Let's take me as an example. In old photographs I see a thin twenty-year-old young man, and today in the mirror a “moderately well-fed” respectable man is reflected. We are united by the same meter eighty height, forty-three foot size and non-standard arm length, which is why it is still difficult to buy a ready-made jacket. Behind the appearance, which seems to have completely changed over the years, are hidden characteristics programmed from birth.

Lack of attention to detail is the main difference between the Life Path Number and the Birthday Number.

I know from my own experience: calculating the Life Path Number brings the most benefit at the moment of deciphering it, when you compare your knowledge about yourself with the result obtained and draw some conclusions, and in those periods of life when things are especially difficult and you urgently need to improve your situation . Knowing your Life Path Number at such moments is simply necessary. Now I will try to explain why. Remember comparing this number to your foot size? So, you won’t buy shoes without knowing your size and without trying them on? In the same way, you should not make serious decisions “by eye”. There is a big risk that such decisions will hurt or hurt you later. At the same time, you should not be guided by “helpful advice” even from those closest to you who only want the best for you. Believe me, in my practice I have seen enough situations where a person’s action initially aroused the warm approval of those around him, but after some time it backfired not only on him, but also on those around him. I don't want you to mistake these statements for promoting selfishness. It’s just that my many years of observations prove that doing the right thing for myself choice, a person thereby greatly facilitates subsequent life for friends and relatives.

So, let’s calculate the Life Path Number for ourselves. It is calculated by sequentially numerologically collapsing and adding your full date of birth.

Let's put it like this.

First day: 1 + 4 = 5.

Then the month: 02 = 2

Then the year: 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5.

Now all together: 5 + 2 + 5 = 12 = 3.

Thus, the Life Path Number for a person born on this day is 3.

There is no limit to the thirst for knowledge. The man managed to find a connection between the position of the heavenly bodies and his date of birth. What determines our character, destiny, occupation? Can the date and month of birth, even the hour, affect the rest of a person’s life? An astrologer can easily answer these questions. If you also want to learn, then astrology and numerology for beginners is for you. It's interesting and not as difficult as it seems. You will learn amazing things about yourself and your loved ones. Secrets of character are revealed to those who speak the language of stars and numbers. Astrologer Ekaterina Lugovaya can give advice on studying.

The language of numbers and stars

Billions of stars in the sky. They form galaxies, are born, die in the endless Cosmos. Their influence on our lives is undeniable. But how do they do this, because the stars are so far away, billions of light years from us. It's all about their position. It is unique every day, every hour. When a person is born, the stars line up in a certain pattern. This is important for determining the character and destiny of a person. An astrologer can tell you or your child where to focus your attention:

  • the work of individual organs and systems of the body;
  • the right hobby;
  • choosing a profession that suits you best;
  • selection of a partner’s zodiac sign and drawing up a compatibility horoscope.

If you want to learn this yourself, you will need to know the basics. Here it is important to know not only astrology, but also numerology - the science of numbers. The position of the stars can be determined if you know the exact date of birth and time. Each number or their combination carries a certain meaning. Knowing all this, you can model the happiest future for yourself. There are many options for using astrology and numerology in everyday life:

  • searching for the best day to start;
  • the best wedding date;
  • determining the child’s name based on his horoscope;
  • future planning;
  • much more.

Learn to control Destiny.

Ekaterina Lugovaya is an astrologer and numerologist. She has been studying this interesting science for a long time and can give advice to anyone who has decided to devote himself to the study of Stars and Numbers.

Basics of Astrology

Astrology should not be confused with Astronomy; these are two different sciences pursuing different goals. Planets and zodiac signs shape our future path. It is very important to know exactly how the Planets are located relative to other stars. The difference is that planets are moving celestial bodies, but stars are not. The concept of Aspect is important in astrology.

Aspect is an arc that connects the Planet and other celestial bodies. Thanks to them, you can determine the position of the Planets and stars in any zodiac sign at any time. The planet that forms the largest number of aspects (interactions) is called Rex Aspektarius or King of Aspects. It shows the directions in which a person’s character develops, a person’s interests and abilities are formed.

The outline is the boundary area in which each Aspect of the planet retains its strong influence.

There are several directions in astrology, the basics differ, but the essence is the same: determining a person’s life by the position of celestial bodies. Also, you should take into account the concept of the Elements:

  • fire;
  • water;
  • air;
  • Earth.

Astrologers have distributed all the signs of the Zodiac according to the four elements. Thanks to this division, we can talk about compatibility or incompatibility of zodiac signs. You don’t have to calculate anything yourself; everything is already systematized in convenient tables. Astrology classes have become easier, because there are several computer programs that can themselves calculate Obris, Aspect by date, place of birth of a person.

There are no numbers that mean nothing

Numerology Basics

For each number there is a clear definition; each number affects our lives. They don't appear by chance. Do you constantly come across some number, combination of numbers? Do you think it's just like that? Numerologists will not agree with you.

Numbers from 1 to 9 are basic. This knowledge was brought to us by Pythagoras and his students, who, in addition to calculations, were also involved in determining the behavior of numbers and vibration. The mystic Cornelius Agrippa later relied on this information when he wrote his “Occult Philosophy.” There he used the Pythagorean system of meanings, adding his own personal research. Pythagoras wrote:

“Everything in the world is numbers.”

The basics of numerology are simply addition. For example, the year of birth is 1989. This is a complex number, but it can be simplified: 1+9+8+9 = 27. This number is also complex, let’s simplify it: 2+7=9. We have received the number 9, which can already be interpreted. It is called "vibrating". The same is done with the date of birth. In the end, we get a number that determines the character and destiny of a person. In combination with his Zodiac and the position of the planets at the time of birth, you can find the happiest dates for any business.

In Japan there was an Almanac, which was used mainly by women. Chinese numerology gave us this amazing book. You had to know your zodiac of the eastern calendar, the date. Then it was possible to find out whether it was worth making a purchase on this day, going on a journey, getting married, or planting plants.

Fate in numbers

An example shows how to work with numbers. To do this, you need to know the meaning of all vibrating numbers.

Table 1. Meanings of vibrating numbers

1 The first number is the target. Indicates that the process needs to start. The number is aggressive and very ambitious. A person with number 1 often sets impossible goals and strives for them all his life. Winner.
2 A combination of negative and positive aspects. The choice number, if it comes up, depends only on the person himself how his life will go. This is a crossroads that leads either to complete happiness or to failure.
3 People with number 3 are very adaptable. They do not have any special talent, but they find a way out of any situation. A lucky number, because it will definitely bring success, but no one knows in what way.
4 Sustainability. The symbol of the 4 elements - a person stands on his feet with both feet, he will not perish, because all the forces of the universe are on his side. Those who are strong in spirit and capable of fighting have this number.
5 Risk. A person knows how to take risks, because this is the meaning of his life. The number leads to choices that no one can predict. Everything will depend on the choice - everything is at stake here and now. Number of adventurers.
6 Reliability and prosperity. If we are talking about a person, he strives for the highest comfort in life, relationships, and work. If about an event - a very favorable period of beginning or ending.
7 Symbol of mystery, mystical beginning. Falls out for people with ancestral power. Events that began for a reason, but as planned by the Higher Powers.
8 Success in money, attracting wealth. A person born under the number seven will never vegetate in poverty. An enterprise started with the vibrating number 7 will be very profitable.
9 The strongest prime number. Symbolizes the successful completion of any endeavor. Success and help from Higher powers in the most difficult situations. A person knows how to get away with it

Date of birth: 06/15/1987

Count: 1+5+0+6+1+9+8+7=35.

So, this is a materially lucky number for a person. If this was the date the company was opened, then the date was very good, because 8 promises success for the endeavor, especially material.

Another example:

November 11, 1918 is a familiar date from history lessons. On this day, the First World War ended and a truce was signed. Let's add up all the simple numbers, we get 5. Indeed, it was a big risk, and all participants faced a big choice. Whether it was correct and what it led to - everyone knows. But this is the date of the event. If the truce had been concluded a week earlier or later, the outcome of the First World War could have been different. These are just the basics, but the effect of numbers on us is obvious.

The astrologer advises remembering important dates in your life. This will help you in your practices. Using the map of the Celestial Bodies, you can find the position of the stars on this day and find out what contributed to your success. Numerology for beginners may seem like a complex science, because there are so many numbers and their meanings, combinations, and sequences. Study it gradually, try to see how the numbers convey messages - speak to you. Pay attention to those numbers and numbers that appear most often in your life.

And a useful topic like numerology.

Numerology is an ancient esoteric science of numbers. It is often called the magic of numbers, but in fact, this science is much closer to astrology than to magic. Numerology is based on the following principle: all multi-digit numbers can be reduced to single digits (prime numbers from 1 to 9), which correspond to certain occult characteristics that influence human life...

Although numerology and gained great popularity relatively recently; in fact, it belongs to one of the most ancient sciences. To some extent, the numbers themselves form their own language, which was understood and used by many primitive tribes, maintaining connections among themselves in the language of numbers. And in ancient alphabets (for example, in Hebrew, Old Church Slavonic), numerical values ​​were also assigned to letters.

Without plunging into the labyrinths and depths of Kabbalistic cosmology and its esoteric doctrines, modern numerology prefers a simplified numerical and alphabetic code based on the theories of Pythagoras, the great ancient Greek mathematician and mystic who came to fame around 550 BC.

As we know, Pythagoras, his students and followers reduced all numbers to numbers from 1 to 9 inclusive, since they are the original numbers from which all others can be derived (this is the system that modern numerology has adopted).

Twenty centuries later, the famous Cornelius Agrippa, in his work "Occult Philosophy", published in 1533, named these numbers and their meanings.

  1. a goal number that manifests itself in the form of aggressiveness and ambition - everything that begins with "A", the first letter of the alphabet
  2. the number of antithesis with such extremes as day and night. It stands for balance and contrast and maintains balance by mixing positive and negative qualities.
  3. signifies instability and is symbolized by a triangle that represents the past, present and future. It combines talent and cheerfulness and symbolizes adaptability.
  4. means stability and strength. Its reliability is represented by a square - the sides of space, the seasons and the elements of "fire", "earth", "air" and "water". This is the most primitive number.
  5. symbolizes risk, reaching its final result through travel and experience. The lack of stability in it, on the one hand, can lead to uncertainty, but, on the other hand, this number is both the happiest and the most unpredictable.
  6. symbol of reliability. It is in harmony with nature, representing the seven colors of the rainbow. It is a perfect number that is divisible by both an even number (2) and an odd number (3), thus combining the elements of each.
  7. symbolizes mystery, as well as study and knowledge as a path to explore the unknown and invisible. These are the seven ruling planets, the seven days of the week, the seven notes of the scale. Seven unites the integrity of 1 with the ideality of 6 and forms its own symmetry, making it truly a psychic number.
  8. number of material success. It means reliability brought to perfection, as it is represented by a double square. Divided in half, it has equal parts (4 and 4). If it is further divided, the parts will also be equal (2, 2, 2, 2), showing a fourfold equilibrium.
  9. symbol of universal success, the largest of all elementary numbers. It unites the characteristics of an entire group, making it a controlling factor if fully developed. As the triple number 3, the number 9 turns instability into aspiration.

Various systems have been developed to reduce large numbers into elementary ones. The simplest and most popular method is to add all the digits of that number, then, if 10 or more are formed, add those digits as well. This process is continued until an elementary number from 1 to 9 is obtained.

As a simple example, we take the number 125. We break it down like this: 1+2+5=8. So 8 would represent vibrating symbol 125. Let’s take the “animal number” from the Apocalypse - 666. Let’s add: 6+6+6=18, and then 1+8=9. This is a very appropriate vibration considering the universal influence represented by the number 9.

A more complex example is the number 684371. Add: 6+8+4+3+7+1=29; further: 2+9=11; then 1+1=2. Thus 2 becomes the vibrating symbol of this number.

Many people believe that the numbers 11 and 22 have their own special meaning. Thus, such a number should be checked for quality: first considered as the number 11, and then finally considered as the number 2, and then as 4 (2+2).

The sum of 13 will be reduced to 4 (1+3), as will 31 (3+1). None of these numbers will have any other vibrating meaning than that represented by the final number 4.

So, the basics of numerology are very simple - and can be learned easily!

Based on materials from S. Vronsky

Man has always wanted to lift the veil of secrecy over the past and future, learn to control his destiny and choose the right options for solving certain problems. Someone is trying to do this through various fortune telling. Someone is looking for answers to their questions in the revelations of psychics. And someone turns to representatives of the numerologist profession for help.

Man has always wanted to lift the veil of secrecy over the past and future, learn to control his destiny and choose the right options for solving certain problems. Someone is trying to do this through various fortune telling. Someone is looking for answers to their questions in the revelations of psychics. And someone turns to representatives for help numerologist profession.

Let’s say right away that if sober-minded people raise a certain amount of doubt about fortune telling and extrasensory perception, then numerology seems to be a completely serious science that allows one to “calculate” the future quite accurately. In many ways, this attitude towards numerology was formed due to the fact that mathematics, which underlies the “science of numbers,” is an exact science, and its founder is considered to be the famous Pythagoras. In other words, numerologists do not guess on coffee grounds, but help people build their lives based on mathematical calculations.

Who is a numerologist?

- a specialist who studies the influence of numerical vibrations on human life and uses a system, tradition and belief about esoteric connections between numbers and events occurring around us, living beings or physical objects in order to predict the fate of a particular person.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin numerus (number) and the ancient Greek logos (teaching). That is, representatives of this profession study numbers and their influence on a person’s life and destiny. It is not known for certain when exactly numerology originated, since for a long time the study of numbers was not perceived as an independent science. Pythagoras was the first to combine the mathematical systems of different nations with the sciences of human nature in the 6th century BC, who developed the basic principles of the modern version of Western numerology.

Several numerological systems have reached our times, which have some differences, but in general have a common concept: Pythagorean, Kabbalistic, Chaldean and Chinese. Responsibilities of a numerologist include conducting a numerological analysis of available information (this could be the date of birth, the person’s name, the date of an event, address, etc.) and, based on the data obtained, providing information regarding a particular event. In particular, numerologists can determine:

  • compatibility of man/woman or business partners;
  • the best date for holding a particular event;
  • the most appropriate name of the company and the time of its registration;
  • possible results of decisions made;
  • individual life cycles (for example, the best time to get married, make a deal, travel, etc.);
  • the most suitable name for the child;
  • the most favorable place to live (immigrate);
  • abilities, talents, qualities and opportunities for career growth;
  • health status for early disease prevention;
  • favorable, unfavorable and neutral periods of life.

What personal qualities should a numerologist have?

Numerologist's work represents not only mathematical and logical analysis, but also constant communication with a huge number of people. Therefore, it is not surprising that this specialist should be distinguished not only by his love of mathematics and logical thinking, but also by his communication skills. In addition, the following personal qualities will help a specialist become a good numerologist:

Since a numerologist has a direct impact on people’s lives with his predictions, a true professional must be able to correctly “present” his predictions, for which he will definitely need knowledge of the basics of psychology. In addition, a true professional not only has a thorough command of “his” numerological system, but also has at least a general understanding of others.

Advantages of being a numerologist

It just so happens that in Russia it is mainly the “powers of this world” who turn to the services of numerologists. And this can be called the main advantage of being a numerologist, since communication with famous and influential people:

firstly, it allows you to acquire “useful” contacts that can be used both in your professional career (as advertising) and in your personal life;

secondly, it guarantees a quite decent level of income (on average, one consultation with a numerologist, lasting 2-3 hours, in Russia costs about 6-10 thousand rubles).

An undoubted advantage of this profession can also be considered the fact that a specialist can conduct his consultations either during a direct meeting with a client or through the use of modern means of communication. For example, today the use of Skype and feedback forms on numerologists’ websites is quite popular.

Disadvantages of being a numerologist

Of course, by advising people to build their lives in one way or another, numerologists take not only payment for their services, but also responsibility for the correctness of their predictions. And this is the biggest disadvantage of being a numerologist. After all, if a specialist makes even one mistake in his calculations, not only his reputation may suffer (which is unpleasant, but not fatal), but also a person’s life. And although numerologists do not bear criminal responsibility for an incorrectly drawn up forecast, at least they are provided with moral discomfort.

Another disadvantage of this profession can be considered the difficulty in developing a client base. Due to the fact that numerology today is becoming not just popular, but fashionable, a huge number of people have appeared who position themselves as experienced numerologists. Unfortunately, there are not so many truly experienced ones among them, and offers of their services are very difficult to find among the huge number of similar offers from pseudo-specialists. In other words, the competition among numerologists (or those who consider themselves such) is so great that it is almost impossible for a young specialist to quickly achieve professional success.

Where can you become a numerologist?

In order to become a numerologist no need to study at a university, technical school or college. Objectively speaking, specialists in this field can do without any education (even secondary education). Moreover, to master this profession you do not need to complete special courses. If desired, any person can study this or that numerological system independently at home. And all because those who believe in the magic of numbers, for the most part, care not so much about a diploma as about the reputation of a specialist.

But still, if you consider numerology as your main profession, and plan to achieve serious professional success, it is recommended not to limit yourself to self-study. It is advisable to undergo training at one of the schools of numerology, where experienced specialists will not only share professional secrets, but also give practical advice on finding your first clients and building your own business. For example, it could be one of the following schools of numerology:

  • Ruzov School of Astrology, Numerology and Palmistry (Krasnoyarsk);
  • School of Palmistry and Numerology by Anatoly Shmulsky (Moscow);
  • School of Numerology of the Development Center "Tree of Life" (Novgorod);
  • Tarot School "Golden Charm" (Moscow);
  • Center for Cosmoenergy Alpha and Omega (Rostov-on-Don).

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