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The gum hurts and swollen at the end of the lower or upper jaw: what to do if a wisdom tooth grows? What causes and how to treat sore gums at the end of the lower jaw Pain in the mouth at the end of the teeth

With catarrhal gingivitis, patients complain of pain, discomfort, burning sensation and fullness in the gums, which appear on their own and intensify ( intensify) while eating ( especially hot, salty, sour). Pain is accompanied by swelling of the gums, bleeding while eating and brushing teeth, bad breath. Catarrhal gingivitis is a reversible process and with timely and adequate treatment passes.

Hypertrophic gingivitis
Hypertrophic gingivitis is characterized by a chronic course with periods of remission ( weakening or disappearance of symptoms) and exacerbations. The clinical picture is more pronounced during exacerbation. In the period of remission, clinical symptoms are mild or may be absent. This form of gingivitis is localized mainly in the area of ​​the front teeth.

Hypertrophic gingivitis occurs in two forms:

  • edematous gingivitis, which is characterized by pain when brushing your teeth, when eating. In addition to pain, the edematous form of gingivitis is manifested by swelling of the interdental papillae, bleeding gums. Also characteristic is the formation of periodontal pockets, which, unlike periodontitis, are false.
  • fibrous gingivitis, which is not characterized by pain, bleeding and swelling, more often patients complain of a violation of aesthetics due to gum deformation.
Ulcerative necrotizing gingivitis
Pain in the gums and burning sensation with ulcerative necrotizing gingivitis of a mild form, as a rule, worries while eating. With ulcerative necrotic gingivitis of moderate severity and severe gingivitis, patients are worried about severe pain, fever, weakness, lack of appetite, ulceration on the gums, increased salivation. This form of gingivitis is characterized by the presence of symptoms of general intoxication.

Desquamative gingivitis
This form of gingivitis is characterized by intense hyperemia, the presence of erosive areas on the gums that do not bleed, but are very painful and sensitive to chemical and thermal stimuli. Most often, this form of the disease appears against the background of hypertrophic gingivitis.

The clinical course of desquamative gingivitis is cyclical and occurs in three stages. The first stage is the acute appearance of gingival inflammation with soreness, hyperemia and erosion. This is followed by a gradual easing of symptoms and a period of remission. Such cycles appear every 1-2 years.

Pain in the gums with periodontal disease

Parodontosis is a disease of the periodontium, which is characterized by its dystrophic lesion. This disease covers all structures of the periodontium.
Periodontal disease in dental practice is much less common than other diseases. This disease affects approximately 3-5% of the population.

The main complaint of patients is pain in the gums, accompanied by itching and increased sensitivity in the neck of the tooth. In the initial stages of the disease, patients usually do not present complaints. The first symptoms that force the patient to see a doctor appear when the neck of the tooth is exposed due to a pathological process.

The severity of the disease is determined by the degree of exposure of the neck of the tooth and the level of decrease in the height of the interdental septum. In a severe form of the disease, the tooth is exposed to the roots, pathological tooth mobility appears. Periodontal pockets do not form during periodontal disease. With moderate and severe severity, pathological tooth mobility is possible.

Gum pain due to periodontitis

Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the periodontal tissues that leads to the destruction of the periodontium and the alveolar process of the jaw. Also, with periodontitis, the ligamentous apparatus of the periodontium is destroyed.

With periodontitis, patients complain of pain, which, as a rule, is constant and can be pulsating or jerking.

Depending on the affected area, periodontitis can be of two types - localized periodontitis and generalized periodontitis. With a localized form, the inflammatory process affects the area of ​​​​one or more teeth. This disease is often found in dental practice. The generalized form of the disease is more severe. With this form, patients complain of pain in the neck of the tooth. Pain usually appears as a response to chemical and thermal stimuli.

An objective examination of a patient with periodontitis reveals the following signs of the disease:

  • periodontal pockets - the main characteristic feature of periodontitis;
  • subgingival tartar and plaque;
  • bleeding gums;
  • tooth mobility;
  • discharge of pus with pressure on the affected area;
  • bad breath;
  • positive Schiller-Pisarev test ( intensive staining of the gums with Schiller-Pisarev solution).
The severity of subjective and objective clinical symptoms of the disease may be different and depends on the severity of periodontitis.

The severity of the disease is determined by three factors:

  • depth of periodontal pockets;
  • degree of bone resorption ( bone destruction);
  • tooth mobility, which is the first, second and third degree ( the third degree is the most severe).

Severity of periodontitis

Signs of the disease Light degree Average degree Severe degree
Depth of periodontal pockets 3.5mm 5.5mm 5 - 6 mm
Tooth mobility Not 1 - 2 degrees 2 - 3 degrees
Degree of bone resorption The initial stage of resorption. Resorption of the bone tissue of the interdental septa by 1/3 or 1/2 of their height. Bone resorption of interdental septa more than 1/2 of their height.

Pain in the gums with mechanical damage

Mechanical damage to the gums can be acute and chronic. With acute mechanical damage ( in dental procedures and injuries) there is a violation of the integrity of the tissues, which causes pain. Ulceration or erosion may appear at the site of injury ( superficial epithelial defect). As a rule, if such wounds are not secondarily infected and are not deep, they heal quickly and the pain disappears. With chronic mechanical damage, pain appears gradually. The severity of symptoms depends on the duration and intensity of mechanical irritation. Initially, a feeling of discomfort appears at the site of injury, then soreness, swelling, redness.

Mechanical damage caused by the traumatic action of dentures usually causes one of the forms of periodontitis - prosthetic periodontitis ( inflammation of the periodontium due to the traumatic effect of prostheses). Prosthetic periodontitis is not characterized by generalization of the process. It usually develops in the area of ​​gum injury. Also, this form of the disease is characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations in a small area of ​​the lesion.

Treatment of pathologies that cause pain in the gums

Pathologies that cause gum pain are usually treated in dental clinics. On the one hand, the treatment must be directed locally and can be medical, surgical and physiotherapeutic. On the other hand, in severe forms of gum disease, treatment should also be aimed at strengthening the body as a whole. If gum pain is caused by an internal disease, then in order to get rid of this symptom, it is necessary to treat the causative disease. It is very important for the treatment of gum pain to teach the patient proper oral care, since this factor often leads to pain in the gums and frequent relapses ( recurrence) of this symptom even after treatment. The key to successful treatment and prevention of recurrence of gum pain is to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

Which doctor should I contact for the treatment of pathologies that cause pain in the gums?

Pain in the gums should alert a person to seek medical help. The faster he does this, the greater the likelihood of a cure and the less the likelihood of complications.

The following specialists can deal with the treatment of pathologies that cause pain in the gums:

  • dentist;
  • periodontist;
  • orthopedist;
  • orthodontist;
  • dental hygienist;
  • general practitioner.
Of course, first of all, you should contact a dentist who deals with diseases of the oral cavity. Only periodontal problems, which most often lead to gum pain, are dealt with by a periodontist. In the presence of pathologies that can be caused by mechanical damage to the gums with prostheses, you should contact an orthopedist. The orthopedist also deals with the problem of traumatic occlusion ( misaligned teeth). An orthodontist deals with anomalies that lead to a defect in the teeth and jaws. A dental hygienist teaches the patient how to properly brush their teeth, conducts sanitation and professional oral hygiene, and participates in preventive dental examinations. A general practitioner should be consulted for somatic diseases that cause pain in the gums.

Tactics for treating the causes of gum pain

Treatment of pathologies leading to pain in the gums is based, in general, on the same principles. In the treatment, the drug method, physiotherapy, and surgical intervention are used. In the treatment of each individual pathology has its own characteristics.

The tactics of treating the causes of pain in the gums has its own characteristics in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • mechanical damage.
Treatment of gingivitis
In the treatment of gingivitis, the main place is occupied by local treatment, which consists in eliminating the causes of pain in the gums and the inflammatory process. There are a large number of methods and tactics for the treatment of gingivitis, but each time they are selected individually for each patient.

Conservative treatments for gingivitis include:

  • Removal of dental deposits carried out with the help of special tools and apparatus ( hooks, excavators, ultrasonic equipment). This is the very first stage of the treatment of gingivitis, without which the therapy has a low and short-term effectiveness. Without this manipulation, the likelihood of recurrence is very high ( reappearances). After removing dental plaque, the gums are treated with antiseptic solutions.
  • Prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs relieve inflammation, eliminate pain. The most commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs are ibuprofen, nimesulide, paracetamol in the form of tablets.
  • Prescribing antimicrobials (furatsilin, chlorhexidine) in the form of applications, gels. In practice, drugs with a wide spectrum of action are used. It is advisable to prescribe antimicrobial therapy according to the result of the antibiogram ( sensitivity to antibiotics).
  • Keratoplastic agents, which are stimulators of epithelial regeneration. Such funds are prescribed in the form of gels ( solcoseryl, actovegin), oils ( sea ​​buckthorn oil, rosehip oil, solutions of vitamins A and E).
  • Physical Methods. The physical methods of treating this pathology include hydromassage, electrophoresis of calcium preparations, darsonvalization ( the effect on the body of impulse currents of high frequency), diathermocoagulation ( cutting or removing tissues by raising the temperature of tissues due to the action of high frequency current).
  • hormone therapy (corticosteroids) in the form of injections into the gums, ointments and dressings with corticosteroids are prescribed for the edematous form of gingivitis. The goal of hormone therapy is to relieve swelling, redness, and soreness.
  • Sclerotherapy. This method of treatment is prescribed for the ineffectiveness of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents and helps to stop the progression of the hypertrophic process. Sclerotherapy is performed by injecting hypertonic solutions into the interdental papillae ( calcium chloride, calcium gluconate, ethyl alcohol, glucose) under local anesthesia.
Surgical treatment is carried out only after preliminary sanitation of the oral cavity, elimination of traumatic factors and removal of plaque and calculus. With gingivitis, surgical treatment is used much less frequently than with other diseases.

Surgical treatments for gingivitis include the following:

  • Excision of the gums in the affected area. In the presence of an ulcerative necrotic process, necrotic areas are removed after anesthesia of the affected area.
  • Removal of interdental papillae with hypertrophic gingivitis by the following methods - the classical method, cryodestruction ( tissue removal with liquid nitrogen), diathermocoagulation.
Tactics for the treatment of periodontal disease
This disease is more difficult to treat than periodontitis and gingivitis. The tactics of treating periodontal disease is based on improving blood supply and stimulating the regeneration of affected tissues. Treatment is carried out simultaneously with the elimination of the action of the etiological factor.

The main methods of treatment of periodontal disease are:

  • Hydrotherapy. In hydrotherapy, the therapeutic factor is water, which helps to improve microcirculation. Hydrotherapy is prescribed both locally and as a general method. Patients are prescribed general baths, swimming, cold and hot shower. In this case, we talk about the effect of temperature. Moreover, both cold water and warm water are used. As a local treatment, baths and hydromassage are prescribed.
  • Phototherapy. Phototherapy includes laser radiation, local magnetotherapy, which help to improve microcirculation.
  • Massage. The massage technique may include, in addition to hydromassage, vacuum massage, automassage ( finger massage), vibration massage. Massage is carried out in order to improve local blood circulation and at the same time reduce gum bleeding. Automassage can be carried out by the patient at home after brushing his teeth. The positive effect of massage is observed after 15 - 20 procedures.
  • electrophoresis calcium preparations, vitamins of group B, fluorine, zinc, tannin, aminocaproic acid, trental.
Timely treatment allows you to stop the process of violation of tissue trophism and microcirculation.

Tactics for the treatment of periodontitis
Treatment of periodontitis is carried out in stages. Initially, it is etiotropic ( aimed at the cause of the disease). After eliminating the cause, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy, and only after it can physiotherapeutic methods of treatment be prescribed. The main methods in the treatment of periodontitis are surgical methods, since usually only with their help it is possible to completely cure the disease.

If periodontitis is caused by a somatic disease, the dentist deals with symptomatic treatment. And the doctor of the corresponding profile is engaged in the treatment of the underlying disease. This is a very important condition, since without treatment of the underlying disease, symptomatic treatment of periodontitis may help for a short time or have no effect at all.

In the treatment of periodontitis, the following methods are used:

  • Antibacterial therapy. Of the antibacterial drugs, drugs with a wide spectrum of action are most often prescribed, which are active against the largest possible number of microorganisms that are involved in the occurrence of periodontitis.
  • Anti-inflammatory therapy. Of the anti-inflammatory drugs, preference is given to ibuprofen, indomethacin, acetylsalicylic acid ( aspirin). Anti-inflammatory drugs are used in both local and general treatment.
  • Curettage ( scraping) . Curettage of periodontal pockets is a mandatory procedure in the treatment of periodontitis. Curettage is performed if the depth of periodontal pockets does not exceed 5 mm. During this procedure, surgical excision of the gums is not performed. Curettage is performed after infiltration anesthesia ( anesthesia of the mucous membrane, teeth and periosteum). The doctor cleans the pocket cavity, removes subgingival calculus and cement from the affected areas, and then processes the bottom of the periodontal pocket. At the end of the procedure, the gum is pressed against the tooth and a protective bandage is applied, which is recommended to be changed at least once every two days.
  • Gingival plastic surgery. This operation is performed with a significant exposure of the neck of the tooth and consists in closing the defect with a flap moved laterally ( from adjacent tooth).
  • Gingivotomy- This is a cut of the gums. The dissection is carried out for the purpose of further open curettage. After anesthesia, an incision is made in the gum in the projection of the periodontal pocket, thus gaining free access to it. Next, open curettage is performed. After the procedure, the incision is closed with sutures. It is not recommended to treat more than three periodontal pockets at the same time.
  • Flap operations pursue the following goal - the resumption of bone growth after the elimination of periodontal pockets. Flap operations are performed using two types of flaps - full ( which consists of epithelium, connective tissue and periosteum) and split ( composed of epithelium and connective tissue).
  • Radical gingivoosteoplasty carried out with generalized periodontitis with a pocket depth of more than 6 mm. This operation is highly effective even in severe forms of the disease. It is performed under anesthesia. The gingival papillae are dissected, the flap is exfoliated. After that, dental deposits located under the gum are removed. Osteoplasty is performed using lyophilized ( dried) bone meal. Next, sutures are placed on the incisions, the flap is fixed with a special bandage. After surgery, anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed.
Also, with periodontitis, orthopedic treatment can be prescribed, which consists in eliminating crowding of teeth and malocclusion, as well as prosthetics and splinting, which are used to eliminate tooth mobility.

Tactics of treatment of mechanical damage to the gums
The first and main link in the treatment of mechanical damage to the gums is the elimination of the effect of the traumatic factor. The further goal of the treatment is to eliminate inflammation, disruption of tissue integrity, stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues and prevent complications.

To treat mechanical damage to the gums, the following therapeutic methods are used:

  • Elimination of the damaging factor (prosthesis correction) is a key moment in the treatment of this pathological condition.
  • Treatment of wounds, which consists in removing necrotic areas, treating the damaged area with antiseptic preparations.
  • Prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve swelling, hyperemia, pain and restore gum function.
  • Antibacterial therapy is prescribed to prevent the suppurative process in the gums.
  • Keratoplastic agents are prescribed to accelerate epithelialization ( regeneration of damaged gums). These drugs are available in the form of oils, ointments. With their use, applications are made that are used 3 times a day.
  • Painkillers usually prescribed for acute mechanical damage and high intensity of the pain syndrome.
It is very important to follow the general rules of oral hygiene after treatment in order to prevent the recurrence of pain in the gums.

Terms of treatment and prognosis of diseases accompanied by pain in the gums

With timely treatment, diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that cause pain in the gums, the prognosis is favorable. However, patients often postpone visiting a doctor until the last moment, which leads to serious complications.

The timing of the treatment of the causes of gum pain depends on the following factors:

  • a disease that caused pain in the gums;
  • form of the disease acute, chronic);
  • the severity of the disease;
  • patient's age;
  • aggressiveness and sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics;
  • localization of the lesion;
  • the volume of the affected area ( localized or generalized lesions);
  • time to see a doctor;
  • the general state of the organism and its reactivity in particular.
Due to the fact that the duration of the cure is influenced by a large number of factors, it is very difficult to determine it. The same situation occurs with the forecast, which can be favorable or unfavorable depending on the situation. The terms of treatment and the prognosis each time are set individually for each case.

The most favorable is the prognosis for gingivitis. This is due to the fact that with this disease there is no damage to the dentogingival junction. After elimination of the causative factor and treatment, a complete recovery is usually observed. With periodontitis and periodontal disease, treatment is considered successful if it is possible to stabilize the pathological process and prevent the progression of the disease. The cure of mechanical damage to the gums largely depends on the depth and intensity of the lesion.

Typically, courses of treatment are prescribed for 7 to 10 days. During this period, in diseases with mild and moderate severity, pain disappears, inflammation symptoms and the patient's condition improves. Diseases with complications require a longer period of treatment. The prognosis in such cases is less favorable.

Prevention of pain in the gums

Prevention is very important in case of gum pain, as it is usually a condition that can be prevented by following simple preventive measures.

To prevent gum pain, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • periodic visits to the dentist in order to timely diagnose and prevent complications of diseases;
  • regular brushing of teeth 2 times a day);
  • rinsing the mouth with special therapeutic and prophylactic and hygienic solutions;
  • rational nutrition, including a high content of vitamins, minerals in accordance with age norms.

Why does the gum hurt when teething wisdom teeth?

Third molars ( wisdom teeth) erupt at the age of 12-26 years on the lower jaw and at the age of 17-22 years on the upper jaw. This process can be asymptomatic, but often the eruption of wisdom teeth is accompanied by pain in the gums and a deterioration in the general condition.

In the process of growth, wisdom teeth gradually contribute to the "stretching" of the gums, through which they must erupt. When teething, the gum in this place is torn. This, in turn, promotes the release of mediators ( substances that regulate inflammation) and the development of the inflammatory process. Teething pain usually does not last long, as it is caused by a physiological process that is temporary.

Pain in the gums during the eruption of wisdom teeth occurs for the following reasons:

  • Insufficient space for teeth to erupt- this is the main cause of pain in this process. The fact is that the jaw is already formed by the time of its eruption, in contrast to the moment of eruption of the remaining teeth. In this regard, this tooth has to overcome a serious obstacle, which leads to mechanical damage to the gums and the development of an inflammatory process.
  • pericoronitis is an inflammation of the hood ( part of the gingival mucosa that covers part of a tooth that has not yet erupted). This condition occurs when teething is a very long process, which becomes a chronic mechanical irritant for the gum, which becomes inflamed as a result. Also, the hood creates favorable conditions for the accumulation of food, which provokes the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora, inflammation of the gums.
  • Incorrect tooth growth. Often there is such a situation when wisdom teeth grow in the wrong direction ( towards the cheek, tongue, adjacent molars). This situation is accompanied by pain. And the third molars, which grow towards adjacent teeth ( "horizontal wisdom tooth"), gradually destroy them and the deformation of the entire dentition occurs. This condition can result in pathological tooth mobility and create favorable conditions for the development of infection. Also, an improperly growing tooth can contribute to nerve compression, which can be accompanied by jaw numbness. This is more common in the case of lower third molars, which can affect the mandibular nerve. Teeth that grow towards the cheek or tongue can injure the oral mucosa and tongue.
Usually, with pain in the gums of this origin, it is enough to take anti-inflammatory drugs ( nimesulide, ibuprofen), which also have an analgesic effect. It is also recommended the appointment of solutions for rinsing the mouth. With the development of a purulent process, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. The doctor may also perform a gum excision over the tooth and remove the hood.

Some doctors advise removing all third molars due to the fact that they are of little importance from a functional point of view. To remove this tooth, it is necessary to proceed only if there are indications for this. Such indications are the incorrect position of the tooth, the negative impact on the adjacent teeth and the dentition as a whole, the presence of an inflammatory process.

Why does the gum hurt after tooth extraction?

When a tooth is removed, a mechanical violation of the integrity of the gum tissue occurs. Pain appears after this procedure, when the effect of local anesthesia wears off ( anesthesia). Usually it is aching in nature, but not intense. There may also be some slight swelling. If the pain persists for the first two days after tooth extraction, this is a physiological phenomenon. It takes time for the wound that formed after the extraction of the tooth to heal, after which the pain disappears.

Common complications that appear after tooth extraction and are manifested by pain in the gums are:

  • Incomplete root extraction, as a result of this, an inflammatory process develops with suppuration of the wound and the gums begin to hurt.
  • wound infection may be due to non-observance of personal hygiene by the patient, poor-quality treatment of the well by a doctor, weak immunity.
  • Osteomyelitis of the jaw. This is a lesion of bone tissue and bone marrow of the upper or lower jaw. This condition is often characterized by generalization ( spread), which leads to damage to the entire skeletal system of the body.
  • Dry hole. A hole is a cavity that forms after a tooth is removed. A blood clot should form in it, which protects the nerve endings and bone. If this clot does not form or falls out, then there is a risk of infection of the socket and the appearance of severe pain in the gums.
  • Lunar bleeding. Lunar bleeding is primary ( when bleeding occurs immediately after tooth extraction) and secondary ( a certain time after deletion).
If signs of complications appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

If the following symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor:

  • severe pain 2 to 3 days after tooth extraction;
  • pain when touching the hole, while eating;
  • The gum at the end of the jaw most often hurts due to the occurrence of an inflammatory process in periodontal tissues or in the process of teething wisdom teeth. Pain at the end of the jaw, especially if it is of high intensity, makes it difficult to eat, talk.

    The factor that leads to the appearance of pain at the end of the jaw is the lowest level of oral hygiene in this area. The teeth located at the end of the jaw are less accessible for cleaning, which creates favorable conditions for the development of the inflammatory process. Medical procedures are also sometimes difficult to carry out in this area.

    Teething is the most common cause of this symptom. In this process, the pain appears suddenly, can be held for a long time, be constant or appear periodically and disappear again. May be accompanied by fever, weakness, fatigue. All these symptoms are temporary and disappear after teething.

    Also common causes of gum pain at the end of the jaw are:

    • Gingivitis is an inflammatory process in the gums. This disease occurs in almost 100% of the adult population. This pathological condition is characterized by bleeding, swelling, soreness of the gums when brushing your teeth and eating. Gingivitis with timely medical intervention is completely curable.
    • Periodontitis- This is an inflammation of the periodontium, which, with a progressive course, leads to its destruction. In periodontitis, periodontal pockets form.
    • periodontal disease- this is a disease of the periodontal tissue, which is accompanied by a violation of microcirculation and trophism ( food) periodontal.
    • Periostitis of the jaw- this is inflammation of the periosteum of the alveolar process or the entire jawbone. This disease is accompanied by swelling, pain in the gums, which can radiate ( give away) in the ear, eye, temporal region.
    • Consequence of tooth extraction which include bleeding, suppuration of the hole after extraction, incomplete tooth extraction.
    • pericoronitis is an inflammation of the hood ( the part of the gum that is above the wisdom tooth) during the eruption of the wisdom tooth. This disease can be accompanied by severe pain in this area, swelling and redness of the gums.
    In some cases, pain in diseases and injuries of the temporomandibular joint can radiate to the gum area. In this case, X-ray examination allows to conduct a differential diagnosis and establish the correct diagnosis.

    How can you treat gum pain at home?

    You can cure gum disease at home with medicines and folk remedies. Means used in the treatment of pain in the gums, can be local and general action. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before using them.

    Topical preparations include:

    • ointments ( traumeel C);
    • rinse solutions ( chlorhexidine, miramistin);
    • gels ( metronidazole, cholisal, camistad);
    • applications that relieve swelling, soothe the gums for a certain time;
    • medicated toothpastes paradontax, lacalut).
    Along with local treatment of pain in the gums, it is recommended to prescribe drugs that act on the entire body, helping to strengthen blood vessels, normalize microcirculation, and increase the body's defenses. These drugs help reduce body temperature, relieve pain and inflammation. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are used as drugs of general action ( paracetamol, ibuprofen, nimesulide, analgin, ketorolac).

    Among the solutions and decoctions that help relieve gum pain at home, the following can be distinguished:

    • Oak bark tincture. To prepare this medicine, you need 1.5 tsp. oak bark pour 200 ml of boiling water, keep in a water bath for about 15 minutes. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with tincture several times a day. Oak bark has an anti-inflammatory, firming and disinfecting effect.
    • Sage tincture. 2 tbsp. l. sage pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 1 hour. After that, you need to strain and cool. After that, you can start rinsing the mouth. Sage has antimicrobial, astringent and anti-inflammatory effects.
    • Chicory root. Requires 1 tbsp. l. small chicory root pour 1 cup boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, cool. It is recommended to rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day. Chicory relieves pain and inflammation.
    • Rinse solution with baking soda and salt. To prepare the solution, one teaspoon of soda and salt is dissolved in warm water. Rinse your mouth as often as possible until the pain disappears. This solution is a good antiseptic that helps with pain relief. You can also add a few drops of iodine or Lugol's solution to this solution.
    • Turnip decoction. Two tablespoons of chopped turnips should be poured with water, brought to a boil and kept on fire for 15 minutes. Then you need to let the broth cool, after which you can rinse your mouth. Turnip contains the necessary vitamins for teeth. It protects bone tissue from disease.
    • Propolis tincture. Propolis relieves swelling, soothes the gums and has an antibacterial effect.
    • Camomile tea. One teaspoon of chamomile flowers pour water. Allow to cool and rinse your mouth at least 3 times a day. Chamomile reduces the intensity of pain, relieves inflammation of the gums.
    • Cold compress. Apply ice to the outside of the cheek for 15 to 20 minutes. The cold will temporarily soothe and relieve severe pain.
    These remedies and medications relieve pain for a short time. You need to consult a doctor for advice to prevent complications.

The gum (gingiva) is part of the oral mucosa and is considered as an integral part of the periodontal tissue, representing a soft tissue lining the edges of the jaws from the inside, and also tightly covering the necks of the teeth. The periodontium as a whole is a complex conglomeration of tissues surrounding the tooth - this is the gum, alveolar process of the jaw, periodontium, cement, tooth enamel, dentin, pulp. The designated structures are closely related to their single morphofunctional purpose, and pathological changes in each element of this complex immediately lead to changes in adjacent tissues. That part of the gum, which is located above the bony edge of the alveolus and in the spaces between the teeth, is called the gingival papillae, which are the places where the gum passes from the vestibular surface of the alveolar process to its lingual and palatine surfaces. The gum has a good arterial blood supply and sufficient venous outflow, and is also penetrated by a network of lymphatic vessels that connect to the submandibular lymph nodes.

Why do gums hurt?

Pain in the gums occurs with diseases of both the gums themselves and the teeth. If the gums hurt and become inflamed, then changes occur over their entire surface, or at least in the vast majority of teeth. And if soreness of the gums is a consequence of tooth damage, then the pain will be concentrated in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diseased tooth. Consider the conditions in which the gums can hurt.

1. Gingivitis

2. With periodontitis

Occurs as a consequence of untreated gingivitis. Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory process that affects the soft tissues and ligaments that hold the tooth. The cause of periodontitis, like gingivitis, is an infectious process caused by pathogenic bacteria present in plaque due to poor oral hygiene. In addition, periodontitis often accompanies diabetes, tuberculosis, rheumatism, CNS diseases, hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders, beriberi.

Burning appears in the gums, and the pain is pulsating and appears when eating cold, hot or sour foods. In addition, periodontitis is accompanied by loosening of the teeth, the appearance of pus in the gum pockets in almost all teeth.

3. With periodontitis

With periodontitis, a purulent sac is formed at the top of the tooth root, usually with untreated caries or pulpitis in a timely manner. If the tooth is on the upper jaw, then the gum hurts above the tooth, and if on the lower jaw, then under the tooth, but in all cases, the pain is localized at the causative tooth. The pain radiates to the gums, constant, intense, aggravated by chewing on the aching tooth, poorly relieved by painkillers. The gums in the area of ​​the tooth are swollen, painful when pressed.

4. After tooth treatment

Usually they are the result of unscrupulous root canal filling and the development of a periodontal abscess as a result. When, after treatment, painful sensations appear in the gum between the teeth, this is possible when the edge of the filling overhangs, injuring the gingival papilla in the interdental space. Sometimes the gum can hurt immediately after the treatment of the tooth due to the imposition of special pads to isolate the tooth from saliva, which causes injury. However, such pains quickly, usually disappear in 2-3 days.

5. After tooth extraction

It is a completely normal condition, usually passing spontaneously after a few days. Usually the pain is aching in nature, however, if it persists for more than 3 days, then this is clearly a sign of complications and a reason for re-visiting the dentist.

6. With a cyst

Cysts in the gums can form when they are injured, followed by infection, with infectious diseases. Initially, the pain in the gums is local, non-intense, appearing only periodically. Over time, when the cyst increases in size, and the gums are swollen and sore, the pain becomes constant, aching in nature, body temperature rises. Further progression of the cyst leads to damage to the gum tissue and roots.

7. With stomatitis

Stomatitis often occurs with a number of infectious diseases, for example, scarlet fever or tonsillitis. The nature of the pain is similar to that of gingivitis and periodontitis. However, unlike these diseases, with stomatitis there is a whitish coating on the tongue, gums and buccal mucosa, and sometimes vesicles and sores. Inflammation of the gums is limited, and pain in this place can appear with minimal external influence, for example, due to air entering through an open mouth.

8. Injury

Most often, gum injury occurs when using a toothbrush of excessive rigidity or dental floss. In such cases, pain is observed between the teeth.

9. After prosthetics

The gums, quite naturally, can hurt during the period of getting used to dentures, implants, retainers, braces, mouth guards. At the same time, improperly installed prostheses and crowns can cause mechanical damage to the gums, leading to pain under or above the tooth, or near it. If the pain has become unbearable, you should again see a specialist to fit the prosthesis.

10. When teething wisdom

Pain in the gums occurs behind the last tooth at the end of the upper or lower jaw. They are blunt in nature and may last for several weeks. In this case, the gum becomes very inflamed, becomes swollen, and may bleed. With the problem of a wisdom tooth, it is better to immediately contact a dentist-surgeon.

11. During pregnancy

Problems with the gums during pregnancy are caused by hormonal changes, weakened immunity and beriberi, which, even with adequate oral hygiene, does not exclude the development of gingivitis and periodontitis. Therefore, the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be balanced in terms of essential nutrients.

You should not independently look for its causes and self-medicate. What specifically caused the pain can only be determined by a specialist dentist, especially since in some cases soreness of the gums is one of the symptoms of the pathology of internal organs. Only in cases of damage to the gums by hot or hard food, piercing objects, one can hope for their rapid self-healing. In all other cases, you should immediately consult a dentist, and until that moment it is advisable to stop the pain and reduce inflammation. What to do before a dental examination? First of all, the toothbrush should be changed to a less hard one. How to relieve gum pain at home? It is better to do this with over-the-counter pain relievers, such as

The most important thing in the treatment of such a disease is the establishment of the factor that led to the occurrence of the inflammatory process. A pain symptom at the end of the lower jaw can appear for various reasons. Among them:

  • general acute and chronic gum disease, including periodontitis or periodontitis;
  • infectious inflammation caused by caries, otitis media, tonsillitis, or general diseases such as measles;
  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • inflammation of the connective tissues of the tooth caused by mechanical trauma or treatment with specific medications;
  • mechanical damage, jaw injuries;
  • wisdom tooth eruption;
  • the consequences of treatment, for example, the removal of a wisdom tooth or opening its hood;
  • lack of vitamins, minerals in the human body (especially during pregnancy).

Regardless of the causes of the appearance, pain in the extreme part of the lower jaw is accompanied by certain general symptoms. Its characteristic features include swelling, redness of the skin, bleeding of tissues, less often - the release of pus. It is extremely rare, only with complex inflammatory processes, for example, flux, that an increase in temperature, general weakness, and increased fatigue can be observed. All of these symptoms are strong indications for seeking medical attention.

Treatment Methods

When complaining of pain in the very edge of the lower jaw, the patient should immediately contact the dentist and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. It will include:

  • general inspection;
  • x-ray;
  • if there is suspicion of the infectious nature of the pain - analysis of the discharge.

Also, if you suspect such ailments as tonsillitis, measles or other diseases, the patient will additionally be assigned diagnostics from other specialists: an infectious disease specialist, a therapist, an ENT specialist. Based on this diagnosis, as well as the conclusions of other specialists, the doctor will be able to choose the correct treatment for pain at the end of the lower jaw.

The therapy itself with such a symptom, depending on the general condition of the patient, the presence of concomitant ailments, as well as the stage of the disease, may include such methods of treatment:

  1. conservative therapy. This type of treatment may include the use of pain medications, antibiotics (when it comes to serious infectious inflammation), as well as restorative drugs. A prerequisite for such therapy is the complete cleansing of the gums from soft and hard plaque, as well as regular treatment of the cavity with special rinses. The list of drugs for such treatment, as well as the schedule for taking them, is determined for each patient strictly on an individual basis.
  2. Physiotherapeutic methods. This category includes the treatment of inflammation with a laser, as well as some other methods of non-surgical exposure. Shown in the initial stages of the disease, most often used together with drug therapy, give good predictions for a complete cure. The only drawback is the low prevalence of these methods in small clinics where there is no specialized equipment for such treatment.
  3. Surgery. It is indicated, if necessary, to remove a wisdom tooth if it cannot erupt, with flux (provides for the installation of drainage on the affected area), as well as periodontitis. Usually performed under local anesthesia. Before and after surgery, the specialist may prescribe antibiotics to the patient. Such treatment is very effective and gives a high percentage of complete cure.

All methods of getting rid of pain at the end of the jaw can be quite effective. However, doctors often note that they can give maximum effectiveness at minimal cost and risk on the part of the patient only with a timely visit to the dentist.

How to eliminate the symptom at home

If the pain is bothering, and there is no way to get to the doctor, this symptom can be eliminated by home remedies. For this it is recommended:

  1. Cover the affected area with ice for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Rinse your mouth saline solution.
  3. Take a general anesthetic - Nurofen or Ketanov. You can do this if your doctor's appointment should take place only after 12 hours.
  4. To relieve inflammation, use herbal decoctions.
  5. Chew propolis to eliminate inflammation and pain.

It is important to understand that home methods for relieving pain with such a symptom can only be used to temporarily alleviate the patient's condition, but cannot act as the main treatment. Remember: pain at the end of the jaw is often associated with infectious diseases that can have serious consequences; it is impossible to get rid of them with conventional anesthetics.

When contacting a doctor, the cause of pain can be eliminated quickly and without health consequences. The most important thing for the patient in this case is to detect the problem in a timely manner and, without waiting for the symptoms to worsen, contact the dentist.

The situation when the gum hurts at the end of the lower jaw is familiar to many people.

Problems begin with eating, there are unpleasant sensations when drinking cold and hot drinks.

Sore gums often signal an inflammatory process occurring in the gums.

There can be many reasons, to identify and eliminate them, you need to contact an experienced dentist.

Possible diseases

Before starting treatment, the factors that caused the problem should be established.

Possible causes of pain:

Swelling is a common cause of discomfort. If a tumor is observed at the end of the lower jaw, there may be problems with the extreme molar due to the activity of bacteria that provoke inflammation in the gums.

The danger of a tumor is that pus can accumulate inside. Its secretions can provoke the spread of infection throughout the body, and even the appearance of a disease such as meningitis.

Purulent inflammation of the gums on the lower jaw

The cause of the appearance of a tumor can be a jaw injury and prolonged inflammatory processes. There are several types of tumors, they can be benign and cancerous, affecting different tissues. The most common is ameloblastoma, it develops inside the bone and gradually affects the soft tissues.

In most cases, gum problems occur during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the load on the body increases, hormonal changes occur, immunity weakens.

Another common cause of gum problems is vitamin deficiency. A pregnant woman should carefully approach the preparation of her diet. The menu should contain fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat and fish.

It should be understood that pregnant women cannot use many medications for treatment, so special attention should be paid to the prevention of the disease. To prevent gum problems during pregnancy, you should take a vitamin and mineral complex.

Wisdom tooth

One of the most common causes of pain at the end of the lower jaw is the eruption of a wisdom tooth.

As a rule, it is not placed correctly, there is not much space for it to appear, so the last molars erupt with problems.

Even after the appearance of a wisdom tooth, pain at the end of the lower jaw may remain.

This is often due to the fact that the tooth has come out incorrectly, this leads to injury to the mucosa. Since the care of teeth in distant places is problematic, the last molars are quickly destroyed.

In the vast majority of cases, the specialist recommends removing this tooth, after which the problems disappear.

Sore gums after tooth treatment

After the dental treatment, often the pain remains for up to 2-3 days.

This can be caused by depulpation, removal of the nerve, the jaw often hurts after anesthesia has been administered.

Such problems are easily solved, it is enough to rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or soda solution for several days.

If the pain does not go away after filling within a week, you should consult a specialist. The reason may be a large amount of filling, it presses on the gum when chewing. Solve the problem - grinding the seal.

Pain Relief

When the lower jaw hurts, and there is temporarily no opportunity to go to dentistry, the question arises of how to eliminate pain at home. There are many ways to relieve discomfort.

The main medications that can be used are the following:

  • Ketanov tablets relieve pain well, based on the substance of ketorolac tromethamine. The recommended dosage is 1 tablet every 4-6 hours;
  • Children can be given the drug Nurofen in the form of syrup;
  • Adolor tablets are popular, they can only be used from the age of 16. The effect occurs within 30 minutes, duration - up to 6 hours.

Gels can be used to eliminate pain and inflammation, the following drugs help well:

  • Holisal, acts inside the gums. Not suitable for teething;
  • Mundizal. An analogue of Holisal-gel, has a similar effect;
  • . Contains antibiotic;
  • Chlorhexidine. Acts on the surface of the gums, is not absorbed;
  • . The balm acts only on the mucous membrane of the gums, has a limited effect;
  • Kamistad-gel, Dentagel, Kalgel. Effective means to relieve discomfort during teething, can be used for no more than 7 days;
  • Ketanov, Nurofen, Deksalgin. Analgesics recommended for intense pain.

It should be understood that these drugs do not eliminate the cause of the pain, they just relieve the symptoms for a while, so you should not delay going to the hospital.

Removing symptoms with folk remedies

At home, the easiest way to relieve gum pain is by rinsing or lotions. To eliminate inflammation, a good antiseptic agent, Chlorhexidine, can be used.

This drug is diluted in water, rinses are carried out three times a day for one minute after brushing your teeth.

Chlorhexidine - an antiseptic for gum inflammation

Miramistin can be used for rinsing, this solution not only relieves pain, but also fights viruses. But it does not have such a pronounced effect as Chlorhexidine.

Dentists use hydrogen peroxide to clean deep gum pockets, but it is not recommended to use it on its own, despite its excellent antiseptic effect.

The concentrated infusion of herbs - Stomatofit, copes well with the task, the course of treatment is 15 days.

Stomatofit - anti-inflammatory agent for the oral cavity

An excellent antimicrobial agent used at home is a soda-salt solution (a teaspoon of each ingredient in a glass of water), you can add a drop of iodine to it. Rinse your mouth every 1-2 hours.

Decoctions are effective medicinal herbs- sage, chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus.

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Analysis of the main causes of sore gums:

When the gum hurts at the end of the lower jaw, it often causes more discomfort than a toothache. Problems associated with the gums have dangerous consequences, so treatment must be targeted.

You can use any drugs that relieve pain, but only an experienced specialist will be able to prescribe the right treatment that will eliminate the cause of discomfort.

Pain in the gums usually accompanies inflammation of various etiologies. However, if the pain in the gums is localized at the end of the jaw, this may be the result of mechanical damage.

Sore gums at the end of the jaw. Causes

Photo 1: Unpleasant sensations can appear as a result of non-compliance with hygiene standards, as well as for local reasons (diseases of the oral cavity) and general causes (diseases of the internal organs). Source: flickr (tony parker).

The main factors causing pain

  • non-compliance with hygiene standards, because of which plaque remains on the teeth, which serves as a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms;
  • tartar, also containing microorganisms;
  • eating too soft food, as a result of which the periodontium weaned from the load, the tissues in the oral cavity become weakened;
  • mechanical damage- after prosthetics, dental treatment, eating solid food;
  • abnormal development of teeth;
  • blood diseases, at which increased growth of periodontal tissues can begin;
  • gastrointestinal diseases in which the periodontium becomes inflamed due to problems with calcium metabolism;
  • - the periodontium is affected due to problems with the vessels;
  • poisoning with various substances- mercury, lead;
  • hormonal disruptions during pregnancy, active growth in adolescence;
  • drug reaction;
  • radiation injury in victims of radiation;
  • infectious inflammation- bacterial, viral, fungal;
  • gingivitis, periodontitis, parodontosis, in which there is a violation of the nutrition of tissues, the appearance of plaque or stone, inflammatory processes develop;
  • wisdom teeth growth, which, in addition to a long eruption period, can also bring trouble in the form of their improper placement in the periodontium.

Pain at the end of the lower jaw

Most often pain associated with the growth of wisdom teeth. If the gum is very irritated, a hood of overgrown tissue may even form, painful when pressed. Here they can pathogens accumulate causing inflammation and pain.

Sore gums at the end of the upper jaw

The same cause can be diagnosed if soreness is noted in the upper jaw. In addition, if wisdom teeth have not yet grown or have been removed, then "Naked" periodontium can be injured when actively brushing with a toothbrush or when chewing solid food.

What to do to relieve pain

Photo 2: With a strong pain syndrome, you should limit the load on the damaged area (do not eat hard or irritating food), and also consult a dentist to treat inflammatory processes. Source: flickr (Sarah Nieves).

If pain occurs in the absence of inflammation, you need to check if there are any problems with the internal organs.

Do not neglect hygiene procedures- Sometimes just a thorough brushing with a toothbrush helps to get rid of the unpleasant sensation.

In addition to traditional medicines, resort to homeopathy.

homeopathic treatment

homeopathic remedies act directly on the source of the problem:

  1. (Acidum nitricum) helps with periodontitis, with tissue inflammation;
  2. Iodum (Yodum) is assigned when periodontal pockets, inflammatory processes;
  3. Phosphorus (Phosphorus) - if sore gums at the end of the upper jaw;
  4. (Arnica) - helps with mechanical damage soft tissues in the mouth;
  5. (silicea) eliminates periodontal disease resulting from diabetes mellitus;
  6. Calendula (Calendula) facilitates wound healing, relieves inflammation, removes purulent discharge;
  7. (Hamomilla) will anesthetize, disinfects inflamed areas; eliminate gastroenterological disorders;
  8. Atropa belladonna (Atropa belladonna) will relieve the inflammatory process, anesthetize the affected areas. Means prescribed for pain in the teeth if the gums are reddened and hurt;
  9. Aconite napellus (Aconite napellus) has analgesic effect with periodontitis, periodontal disease;
  10. Bellis perennis (Bellis perennis) post-traumatic remedy, helps get rid of the consequences of deep wounds, infection by various microorganisms;
  11. (Mercurius solubilis) is taken as potent anti-inflammatory agent, also taken for pain in the teeth, extending to the end of the jaw;

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