– All about cars

All about cars

Didactic game tops and roots goal. Didactic game “Tops - roots. Relay race “Catch a vegetable from the water”

Didactic game "Tops and Roots"

Didactic task. To consolidate the knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, some vegetables have both tops and roots edible; Exercise children in assembling a whole plant from its parts.

Game rules. You can look for your top (fruit) or root (roots) only upon a signal from the teacher. You can’t pair up with the same player all the time; you have to look for another pair.

Game actions. Search for a pair; composition of a whole plant.

Progress of the game. Option 1. After harvesting in his garden, an adult gathers the children, showing them what a good harvest they have grown, praising them for their useful work. Then he clarifies the children’s knowledge that some plants have edible roots - roots, others have fruits - tops, and some plants have both tops and roots edible. An adult explains the rules of the game:

Today we will play a game called “Tops and Roots”. On our table are the tops and roots of plants - vegetables. We will now divide into two groups: one group will be called tops, and the other - roots. (Children are divided into two groups.)

There are vegetables on the table here; The children of the first group take the top in their hands, and the children of the second group take the spine. Have you taken everything? And now, at the signal (clap your hands), you will all scatter around the area and run in all directions. When you hear the signal “One, two, three - find your pair!”, quickly find yourself a pair: the spine is at your top.

The game is repeated, but you have to look for another top (or spine). You can't be paired with the same player all the time.

Option 2. The tops (or roots) stand still. Only one subgroup of guys is running around the site. The adult gives the signal: “Roots, find your tops!” Children should stand so that the tops and roots form one whole.

The correctness of the task can only be checked by the “magic gate” (an adult and one of the children), through which all couples pass. To ensure that interest in the game does not fade, you can offer to exchange tops and roots.

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Game "Tops and Roots".

Target: consolidate general concepts in children’s speech. With some vegetables we eat what is on the surface of the earth (tops), and with others we eat what grows in the ground (roots).

Participants: children .

Educational areas:



Game rules. You can look for your top or spine only when given a signal. You can’t pair up with the same player all the time; you have to look for another pair.

Game actions. Search for a pair; composition of a whole plant.

Progress of the game.

Option 1. After harvesting the crops in his garden, the adult gathers the children, showing them what a good harvest they have grown, and praising them for their useful work. Then he clarifies the children’s knowledge that some plants have edible roots - roots, others have fruits - tops, and some plants have both tops and roots edible. An adult explains the rules of the game:

Today we will play a game called “Tops and Roots”. On our table are the tops and roots of plants - vegetables. We will now divide into two groups: one group will be called tops, and the other - roots. (Children are divided into two groups.)

There are vegetables on the table here; The children of the first group take the top in their hands, and the children of the second group take the spine. Have you taken everything? And now, at the signal (clap your hands), you will all scatter around the area and run in all directions. When you hear the signal “One, two, three - find your pair!”, quickly find yourself a pair: the spine to your top.

The game is repeated, but you have to look for another top (or spine). You can't be paired with the same player all the time.

Option 2.The tops (or roots) stand still. Only one subgroup of guys is running around the site. The adult gives the signal: “Roots, find your tops!” Children should stand so that the tops and roots form one whole.

The correctness of the task can only be checked by the “magic gate” (an adult and one of the children), through which all couples pass. To ensure that interest in the game does not fade, you can offer to exchange tops and roots.

Game "Mysterious Animals".

Goal: To develop visual perception, attention, imagination, memory.

Participants:children of the older group.

Educational areas:



Material:pictures of non-existent animals, pictures of various domestic and wild animals

Place of use:group work in the morning and evening.

Progress of the game

Give the children equally large cards with non-existent animals. Invite the children to choose cards with animals that look like him. The first one to find all the cards and do it correctly wins.


“Characteristics of vegetables” - Vitamins. Parsley. Turnip. Vegetables. Pumpkin. Seed. Cabbage. Pepper. Useful tips. Eggplant. Radish. Characteristics of vegetables. Conditions for processing vegetables. Sunflower seed cutlets. Spicy. Zucchini.

"Fresh vegetables" - Radishes. Tomato vegetables. Sorrel. Dessert vegetables. Brussels sprouts. Parsnip. Swede. Requirements for the quality of root crops. Fresh vegetables. Roots. Savoy cabbage. Packaging and storage of cabbage vegetables. Carrot length. Broccoli. Spicy vegetables. Packaging and storage of root vegetables. Tartronic acid.

“Vinaigrets” - Potatoes. Boiled vegetables are cooled. Criteria for evaluation. Pickled cucumbers for vinaigrettes are cut. Consistency of boiled vegetables. Rubik's cube vinaigrette. Making vegetable vinaigrette. Guess what dish we are talking about. Cut the onion into small cubes. Assortment of vinaigrettes. Methods for decorating vinaigrettes.

“Decorating vegetable dishes” - Carving in cooking. Carving tools. Introduce students to food design options. Tea reception at the hardworking Butterfly. Fruits and vegetables. Vita - life. Safety rules when working with a knife. Beautiful girl. Riddles from the garden. Carrot flowers. Delicious stories. Fantasies from vegetables and fruits.

“Vegetables” - Watercress. Cabbage. Tomato. Salad preparation technology. Primary processing of vegetables. Tools and devices for carving. Straw. Vitamin content. Sorting vegetables. Squash. Garlic. Slicing vegetables. Carving in cooking. Groups of vegetables. Gardener. Roots. Tools and accessories.

“Processing vegetables” - Processing cabbage vegetables. Curly types of potato slicing. Chit. Straw. Washing vegetables. Cutting shapes, sizes and culinary uses of carrots. 2*2*25 straws. Rhubarb. Mechanical and culinary processing of vegetables and mushrooms. Wash, peel, wash, sort, tie into bundles. Canned vegetables.




Prepared and conducted6

Teacher 1st quarter categories

Vasilyeva E.A.

Khimki 1014


1. Enrichment and systematization of environmental knowledge among preschool children using the ecological trail of a preschool educational institution.


1. Raising a child’s conscious attitude towards the environment through communication with nature.

2.Development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, desire to preserve it).

Stages of creating and designing a trail:

1) A detailed examination of the territory of the kindergarten and identification of the most interesting objects.

2) Drawing up a map of the path with the route and all its objects.

3) The choice of stop owners is fabulous.

4) Drawing up a passport of all points of the path.

5) Making callout signs indicating each point.

Organization of an ecological trail on the kindergarten site.

1. We study literature to develop an ecological trail

2. Material is selected that is suitable for older children and allows them to observe (know) the most interesting objects on the ecological trail in the autumn season.

3. Various materials and forms of work are selected; unusual, interesting and exciting for children.

4. A map of the ecological trail is drawn up for the kindergarten site, on which the ecological trail parking lots are indicated and marked with parking icons.

5. The owners of the stops were: Grandma Arina (Stop “Bird Yard”), Aunt Agrapina (stop “Wonderful Vegetable Garden”), Grandfather Erofey (stop “Animal Farm”, Doctor Aibolit (stop “Green Pharmacy”), teachers (stop “Spruce”, “Birch”, “Flower - seven-colored”, “Creativity Center”).

6. Before the hike, preliminary work is carried out: reading poetry, prose about the objects of the trail, a conversation about the rules of caring for objects, rules of behavior.

7.When hiking along the trail, there is a place where you can relax, play, and listen to calm music.

8. After hiking along the trail, in the “creativity center” equipped on the site, you can make sketches or sculpt from plasticine or make an applique of some object you like.

The stops along the ecological trail are:

1. "Poultry yard"

2. "Birch"

3. “Wonderful vegetable garden”

4. “Christmas trees are beautiful”

5. “Green Pharmacy”

6. “Flower – seven-flowered”

7. "Animal Farm"

8. “Happy Birdhouse”

9. "Creativity Center"

Progress of the lesson:

- Educator: - Guys, do you like to travel? Today we will go on an amazing journey.

Do you know what a trail is? (Children's answers). That's right - a path, a path is a walking path. What do you think an ecological path is? (Children's answers are listened to.) The ecological path consists of certain stations, and at each of them there live natural plant creatures: herbs, trees, shrubs; animals: spiders, insects, birds. You can walk along this path more than once. We will travel along it all year round.

Today, very interesting stations await us on our trail. Well, let's hit the road?!

v Station "Beryozka"

Educator:-Here we come. Let's say hello. She was waiting for us and prepared a letter, let's read and fulfill the wishes and tasks of the birch tree.

Do you agree? (Yes)

Birch letter:

My dear, glorious children, you have finally come to me. How I was waiting for you, how I shook the branches, rustled the leaves, hoping that you would hear me. I, birch, am very happy about your arrival, because I love guests very much.

Let's say hello: hug me tightly (children hold hands around the trunk).

I love being stroked, and I don’t like being hit on the trunk with a stick or scratching the bark with a knife. I feel hurt and offended when people treat me badly. Touch me with your hands, stroke my bark-skin with your hands and tell me how rough or smooth it is? Wet or dry? Warm or cool? What do I smell like? (Children fulfill these requests too.)

Look how big I am! Well, let's measure our strength: try to pull me out of the ground (the children are trying to do this). Which of us is stronger? I also have a powerhouse!

Now, answer my question: what holds me so firmly in the ground? (Children answer.)

Why else do I need my roots and legs? (To take water, “food” from the earth.)

If you answered correctly, please water me, I'm very thirsty. (Children fulfill the birch’s request.)

Thanks guys, I feel so good now! Now wait and listen to how my leaves rustle - I’m talking to you. What did I just say? (Children express their guesses.) Why are my leaves moving?

Well done, my glorious travelers. Take my leaves and don't forget about me. (The teacher removes paper leaves from the tree and distributes them to the children - you cannot tear living leaves!)

v Station "Wonderful Vegetable Garden"

The children are met by Aunt Agrafenya.

Hello guys! My name is Aunt Agrafena! I am a garden keeper.

Guys, look at my beds and tell me what grows in my garden? (Children's answers: carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.).

How can I call all this in one word? (Children's answers are vegetables).

Let's look at these vegetables, what color they are, large or small, ripe or unripe, what shape they have, etc.

Remember what other vegetables you know? (Children's answers).

Who grows vegetables? (Children's answers).

Tell us why people grow vegetables? (Children's answers).

How do people help vegetables grow beautiful? (Children's answers.)

Do you know who else, besides people, helps vegetables grow? (Children's answers).


The sun warms the earth and gives light to plants.

The soil feeds the plants. The plant grows in it. The plant has roots in the soil.

Plants breathe, they need air. Air enters the soil when a person loosens the soil with a hoe. An earthworm does the same thing, only without a hoe.

To water the plants, a person waters the beds. And they are also watered by rain.

Birds also help the plants - tits, sparrows, rooks, starlings. They catch bugs and peck caterpillars from leaves.

Toads also prey on caterpillars. They are our little helpers and therefore we cannot offend them.

What other helpers have we forgotten about? Remember those whom we saw in the flowers in the summer (children's answers). What were they doing there? (Children's answers.)

Yes, we saw bees, bumblebees, butterflies. They drink sweet juice from flowers. They carry pollen from one plant to another on their wings and legs. Without these helpers, the cucumber would not have fruit.

But this insect (shows a picture of a ladybug) helps plants? (Children's answers - yes, it eats aphids). That's how many helpers plants have.

That's how many helpers plants have!

Guys, how many of you know why a person should eat vegetables as much as possible? (Children's answers.)

Children, do you know which parts of vegetables are edible and which parts are inedible? (Children's answers).

Children, you all probably remember the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear”? Why did the bear take offense at the man? (Children's answers). Yes, you are right, the man offended the bear by giving him inedible parts of vegetables.

Guys, let's play a game!

Outdoor game: “Tops and Roots.”

In a blue hoop you need to put a picture of a vegetable whose roots are used for food, and in a green hoop you need to put a picture of vegetables whose tops are used.

Children are divided into 2 teams and, accompanied by cheerful music, place pictures of vegetables on hoops. (competitions)

Well done, you completed the task, and now try to guess my riddles about vegetables:

1. Buried in the ground in May

And they didn’t take it out for a hundred days,

And they started digging in the fall

Not just one was found, but ten.

- potato -

2. The goat says that goats

They love to smell roses.

Only for some reason with a crunch

She sniffs...

- cabbage –

3. An orange root sits underground,

It stores a storehouse of vitamins,

Helps children become healthier

What kind of vegetable is this, can you tell?

- carrot -

4. There is grass above the ground,

Burgundy head underground.

- beet -

5. He never did anyone

Didn't offend you in the world.

Why are they crying because of him?

Both adults and children?

- onion -

6. Grows very long

And it takes up half the garden bed.

This vegetable is pumpkin brother,

In the summer everyone eats it.

- zucchini –

7. Grow in the garden

green branches,

Red kids.

- tomatoes -

8. I am long and green, I am tasty when salted,

Delicious and raw. Who am I?

- cucumber -

Well done, you guessed my riddles, now let's play?!

I'll see who's smart here

We raise our hands higher

If I tell you a vegetable

If I name a fruit,

Hands quickly on the grass!

Angela Solovyova
A collection of movement, articulation, breathing and round dancing games on the topic “Products” for children with mental retardation in the preparatory group

For children with mental retardation, it is very important to follow the following rule when planning educational activities: While going through a lexical topic, create complete immersion in it, that is, create a developing subject-spatial environment (fill all centers of creative activity with materials on this topic, select finger, articulation, round dance and outdoor games in which knowledge on this topic will also be consolidated.

In this publication, I offer articulation, breathing, round dancing and movement games on the topic “Products” that will help teachers in their work.

Outdoor games

Outdoor game "Edible - inedible."

Goal: to develop attention, speed of thinking, coordination of movements.

Attributes: ball

How to play: Children stand in a line, and the leader throws the ball to them in turn.

At the moment of throwing, the leader pronounces one word, which is an object, for example: (pen, milk, glass, etc.). If the word means an edible object, then the child must catch the ball; if it is inedible, then he must push the ball away. If a child catches the ball or simply touches the ball with his hands on an inedible object, then he loses and changes places with the leader.

Relay race “Cooking borscht and compote.”

Attributes: replicas of products for making borscht and compote, a hoop, two baskets

How to play: Children are divided into two teams and choose who will cook what. Then, at the teacher’s signal, they run to the dummies scattered in the hoop, find the one they need and run to their team. The child who reaches the point touches the hand of the next child and he continues the relay race. The team that not only arrived first, but also prepared the dish correctly, wins.

Outdoor game "Harvest."

Goal: develop speed and speed of running.

Attributes: dummies of vegetables and fruits, basket.

Progress of the game: At the teacher’s signal, the children scatter around the area and, finding dummies of vegetables and fruits, put them in a basket.

Relay race “Fruits and vegetables”.

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about fruits and vegetables, to consolidate the ability to act on command.

Attributes: dummies of vegetables and fruits, a hoop, two baskets.

How to play: Children are divided into two teams and choose who will collect what. Then, at the teacher’s signal, they run to the dummies scattered in the hoop, find the one they need and run to their team. The child who reaches the point touches the hand of the next child and he continues the relay race. The winner is the team that not only arrived first, but also correctly collected only vegetables or fruits.

Outdoor game “Find the vegetable.”

Goal: to develop children's attentiveness while moving.

Attributes: dummies of vegetables.

Progress of the game: The teacher hides dummies of vegetables in the area in advance. At the teacher’s signal, the children run around the area, find them and run to the teacher.

Outdoor game “Find only healthy products.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about healthy products through active play.

Progress of the game: The teacher, at the child’s eye level, pulls the rope in the area in advance and attaches food cards to clothespins. At the signal, children run to the rope, find a card with a useful product and run to their place. When all the children have cards, analyze who chose what.

Outdoor game "Vegetables or fruits."

Goal: develop reaction speed.

Progress of the game: If the teacher names a vegetable, the children squat, and if it’s a fruit, they jump in place and raise their arms up.

Outdoor game “Catch the Bullseye” (based on the principle of traps).

Goal: develop agility and running speed.

Attributes: ribbons with pictures of an apple attached.

Progress of the game: According to the counting, they choose the driver, the rest attach ribbons behind them, at the teacher’s signal, the children run away, and the driver catches them, whoever is caught becomes the driver.

Relay race “Bring the fruit”.

Attributes: fruit models, small spatulas, skittles, log, basket, hoop

Progress of the game: children are divided into two teams, at a signal they take spatulas from the ground, run to the hoop with vegetables, put it in the spatula and run back, running around the pins, stepping over the log, pass the spatula to another child and the relay race continues.

Relay race “Catch a vegetable from the water.”

Goal: to develop coordination of movements.

Attributes: dummies of vegetables, bowls of water, small spatulas, baskets.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into two teams, at a signal they take a shovel from the ground, run to a bowl of water, catch a vegetable and run to their team, pass the shovel to another child and the relay race continues.

Outdoor game “Useful - Unuseful”.

Goal: develop reaction speed.

Attributes: ball

Progress of the game: children stand in a line, and the leader throws the ball to them in turn.

At the moment of throwing, the presenter names healthy and harmful foods. If the product is useful, then the child must catch the ball; if it is not useful, then he must push the ball away. If a child catches the ball or simply touches the ball with his hands when the teacher names an unhealthy product, then he loses and changes places with the leader.

Outdoor game “Vegetable trailer, fruit trailer.”

Goal: to develop attentiveness and speed of reaction.

Attributes: cards with vegetables and fruits, hoop, tape recorder, “Kalinka-Malinka” melody.

Progress of the game: children are given cards, some vegetables, some fruits, hoops with pictures of vegetables and fruits are laid out on the floor, when the music starts playing, the children run around the area, as soon as the music stops the children run to the desired hoop.

Outdoor game “Tasty Lunch”.

Goal: Develop the ability to navigate in space, act quickly on a signal; learn to move rhythmically to music.

Attributes: medallions with food, hoops, tape recorder, melody.

Progress of the game: children choose medallions. They jump around the site to the music. With the end of the music, all the products run to their hoops in the pots: a red hoop - borscht is cooked in it, a blue hoop - compote is prepared in it.

Outdoor game “Find foods that contain vitamins.”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the products in which vitamins live.

Attributes: cards with products, rope, clothespins.

Progress of the game: the teacher, at the child’s eye level, pulls the rope in the area in advance and attaches food cards to clothespins. At a signal, children run to the rope, find a card with a product in which vitamins live and run to their place. When all the children have cards, analyze who chose what.

Outdoor game "Orange".

Goal: develop speed and dexterity, pronounce the words of the game.

Progress of the game: The driver is selected according to the counting rhyme, the children recite the poem:

We shared an orange

There are many of us, but he is alone.

This slice is for the hedgehog,

This slice is for the swift,

This slice is for ducklings

This slice is for kittens,

This slice is for the beaver,

And for the wolf the peel.

He is angry with us - trouble!

Run away in all directions.

At the end of the poem, the children run away, and the leader (the wolf) catches them.

Outdoor game “Carry the vegetable along the log.”

Goal: develop balance and coordination of movements.

Attributes: log, small spatulas, dummies of vegetables.

Progress of the game: at a signal, children take a shovel with a vegetable from the ground, run to the log, walk along the log, holding the shovel at arm's length, and return back. Pass the spatula to another child.

Outdoor game “Tops and Roots”.

Goal: to develop reaction speed, to consolidate knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops.

Progress of the game: the teacher names different vegetables, if their tops are edible, the children jump and raise their hands up and clap their hands, and if the roots are edible, then they squat and cover their heads with their hands.

Articulation games:

Fairy tale "Guests"

Little Tongue had not seen his old friends for a long time, and then one day he invited them to a tea party. The tongue took a plate (spatula) and began to knead the dough (pass the tongue between the teeth back and forth). When the dough was ready, the tongue began to make pies (pie). He put raspberry jam (delicious jam) inside each pie. Suddenly someone knocked on the door (pronounce “t-t-t”). It was the guests who came to the tongue: the bear (puff out his cheeks, the bunny - jumping (click his tongue), the top - a gray barrel (grin). The tongue of the guests sat down at the table and began to treat them to hot tea (cup) with pies (pie).

Fairy tale "Vegetable Garden"

One day a hare was galloping through the forest. And only the first leaves appeared on the bushes. The forest animals are hungry. What to do? And then the hare remembered that people grow their own food in their gardens. He decided to start a garden. He took (a shovel) and went to the clearing. The bunny is digging the ground and singing songs, and a squirrel is jumping past, somewhere it has found a dried fungus. The squirrel was surprised, praised the hare and gave advice: just don’t forget to make the beds so that it’s beautiful. As soon as the squirrel leaves, the bear comes, carrying a jar of (jam). He immediately understood what the hare was doing; he often looked into people’s gardens.

Be careful not to eat the seedlings. And then I’ll come over and see what you’ve grown. And the clubfoot left. The hare digs further and sings songs (a-o-e-u-i). And just before evening the wolf goes (the cup) carrying it.

Oh, hare, what a great fellow you are! What did you come up with? Just don’t forget to water your cabbage, here’s a cup for you. The hare laughed, but took the cup. The hare was dripping until the night, and in the morning he also made a bridge (slide). To make it more convenient to carry water for irrigation. All summer the hare worked: watered, weeded, protected from harmful caterpillars. And when autumn came, everyone saw that the cabbage had grown beautifully. The hare cut the cabbage, folded it, and it turned out to be a whole (hill). I had to invite (the horse) to treat all the animals and lead them to their minks. Next spring we decided to make the garden even bigger, and all the animals will help.


Fat grandchildren came to visit (puff out cheeks)

With them they are thin - just skin and bones, (pull in cheeks)

Grandparents smiled at everyone (smile, showing tightly pressed teeth)

They reached out to kiss everyone. (pull your lips into a tube)

They quickly invited us to the table (pull out your tongue, holding it in a horizontal position)

We’ll put out saucers and they’ll put pancakes for us. (smile, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue on your lower lip)

Let's blow on the pancake - not on the cheeks, not by. (blow into palm)

We will chew and bite the pancakes (imitate the movements)

Pancake with raspberry jam is delicious. (smile, open mouth, wide

lick your upper lip with your tongue in a “cup” shape)

Everyone was fed, no one was offended,

The breakfast was delicious - we licked our lips. (lick lips)

Breathing games:

Breathing exercise “Hot soup”

Each child has a tablespoon. Children imitate the process of eating. Before “eating” the soup from a spoon, children blow on it.

Breathing exercise “Delicious smell”

The teacher gives each child a piece of orange to smell. As you exhale, the child says: “What a smell!”

Game "Guess what kind of vegetable"

Goal: to train to breathe deeply through the nose, to teach the discrimination of smells.

Equipment: a dish with vegetables that have a distinct, special smell: onion, garlic, cucumber, dill.

Description. The child examines, names vegetables, smells and remembers their smells.

To get a more intense smell, an adult makes an incision on the vegetable; the dill can be crushed in your hands.

Then the child, blindfolded, must smell and recognize the vegetable offered to him by its smell. The adult makes sure that the inhalation is slow, smooth, deep, without raising the shoulders.

Game "Guess what kind of fruit"

Goal: to practice taking deep breaths through your nose, to teach you to distinguish smells.

Equipment: a vase with fruits that have a distinct, special smell: orange, lemon, apple, pear.

Description. An adult makes cuts on the fruit. The child examines, names, smells them, then, blindfolded, tries to identify the fruit offered to him by the smell.

Round dance games:

The bunny was walking

Hold hands to form a circle.

Walk in a circle, saying the words:

The bunny walked, walked, walked,

The bunny walked, walked, walked,

The bunny walked, walked, walked,

When you say “sat down,” stop and squat down.

Garden round dance

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden

We walked merrily

Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden

We dug up the beds.

Seeds were planted in the garden bed,

They lowered it into the hole,

And then warm water

The garden bed was watered

You grow up quickly, carrot.

We will weed the garden bed.

Summer rain will fall

At you, on the field.

So autumn has come,


Joyful and fun

Let's start a dance.

(to the tune of “whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”)


A bear walks through the forest

And carries baskets

(children waddle in a circle)

A bear walks along the path

looking for a raspberry.

(look around, putting palm to eyes)

The bear loves to eat sweets

(stroke the belly with the palm)

Oh, so many berries here

Come on, raspberry

(beckon with hand)

Get into the basket quickly.

(picking berries)

Mishka collected years

(show hands and sway left and right)

And he roared with happiness

Rrrr! Yes Yes Yes!

(growls and nods their head)

The berry is very tasty

(circle and bow for the last words)


Children stand in a circle, “cockerel” in a circle.

Petya walked along the road

(the cockerel walks near the children, raising his knees high, waving his arms)

He found a pea

(stops near the child - he becomes a pea)

And the pea fell

Rolled and disappeared

(the cockerel spins, the pea hides behind any child, squats down)

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Will peas grow somewhere?

(all children slowly sit down, the pea stands up, raising its arms up - it has grown)

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