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Extra products. Caution: Supermarket! How to choose the right products. Low-calorie products for weight loss: zero and negative calorie leaders

Most often, we go shopping after a working day or on weekends between planned personal matters. This means that we either have too little time and opportunity to think about everything for purchases, or a feeling of fatigue does not allow us to take a sober look at the store shelves. We tried to collect a number of tips, following which you can definitely not only save money, but also avoid unnecessary purchases.

We buy only according to the list

When you go shopping at the supermarket, think about everything you want to buy in advance. It doesn't matter if it's a long list for a week or a short list for a couple of days, but it must be. Today there is no need to get a notepad in the store, there are convenient programs for smartphones or tablets that are very easy to use. Moreover, you can once make a list of necessary products and household chemicals, then only add additional items to it. If you go grocery shopping without a list, then the likelihood of buying something extra increases greatly. In addition, in the turmoil, you risk forgetting everything that you really needed.

Go shopping without feeling hungry

When you go grocery shopping, it's important to be full. This rule will protect your wallet from unintentional spending. The human body is so arranged that in a hungry state it always seems that you need to put a lot more on a plate than you really need. The same thing happens in the store. A hungry shopper puts a lot more food in their cart, half of which ends up in the trash at the end of the week.

We look at the scheme of the supermarket

If you are shopping in an unfamiliar store, then it would be useful to look at its diagram at the entrance or read the signs of the departments in the hall in order to understand how to correct the path with the cart. Firstly, it will protect you from unnecessary movements inside the store. Secondly, in the process of wandering around the departments, you will not automatically put bright but unnecessary products into the cart.

Choosing the right cart

If your shopping list is not very large, then choose a basket or the smallest cart. A couple of packs of vegetables and a loaf of bread will look very lonely in a large cart, and you will definitely put in it the goods that you did not want to buy. Take a large grocery cart only when you really intend to buy a lot of goods.

We take goods not at eye level

The trick that all stores use when laying out goods is the location of the most expensive products on the most convenient shelves for the buyer. Everything that is at your eye level is most often more expensive than what lies on the lower or upper shelves. Before making a choice, try to carefully look at all the shelves with the right product and compare prices. Most likely, on the lowest shelf you will find exactly what you need at a better price.

We are not afraid of unfamiliar brands

Habit is second nature, but if you need to save money, some of them are better to give up. If you always buy the same brand of yogurt from the supermarket, then try something different, new. So you can not only save a lot, but also introduce new tastes into your diet. Most importantly, read the labels and compare the composition of the products. By the way, brands that have recently appeared on the market are quite competitive at a low cost. By not focusing on familiar brands, you can not only save money, but also find new favorites for yourself.

We do not pay attention to promotions and discounts

Not all promotions and discounts that the store advertises with bright stickers, catchy price tags and memorable ads are profitable. Of course, if you bought your favorite chocolate at the same price yesterday in this store, and today its price is halved, then you should pay attention to it. And even buy a few tiles in reserve. True, making sure at the same time that his expiration date had not expired the day before yesterday. But if you are lured to buy a pack of coffee with a gift in the form of a plastic mug, while the cost of the product itself is practically the same as the one you buy it for, then you should think about it. First, why do you need a cheap plastic mug? Secondly, why do you need a product that does not really save you money? Thirdly, are you sure that the new coffee will be stored until you use the stock that you already have in the kitchen?

We participate in loyalty programs

But loyalty programs, on the contrary, should not be bypassed. If at the checkout you are offered to issue a free savings card or a card with a symbolic value, we recommend that you do so. Within a few months, you will be able to receive discounts from 3 to 10% on almost any store products. Even if you pay a minimum of 100 rubles for the card, they will almost immediately be beaten off by the discounts received. Moreover, most cards are not registered, so you can lend it to your parents and friends, thereby helping them save money and accumulating a big discount on the card.

Go shopping without company

Of course, shopping in the company of friends is much more fun than wandering alone with a cart through the wilds of the store. But when shopping alone, you approach this issue more thoughtfully, you have time to analyze the goods and your needs. So you save a lot and practically do not buy anything extra. After all, with friends it’s tempting to take some goods for the company or put groceries in the cart, regardless of the cost. Go shopping on your own, and spend time with friends outside the store!

We don't get bored at the checkout

Most often, next to the cash desks, there are stands with goods that you can definitely live without: chewing gum, chocolate, marmalade, toys. Even if you are standing in line, you should not waste time looking at the checkout area. There is nothing useful and necessary here! In order not to waste time, it is better to check your mail from your phone or write a post on a social network. Make good use of this time.

We pay in cash

If you really need to save money, or if you know you have a passion for extra purchases, try to go to the store with cash, taking only as much cash as you can afford to spend. If you pay with a card, you will inevitably spend more than you planned, because in this case you do not control the process of transferring money and are not able to assess the scale of the budget disaster.

Behave properly with the cashier

Already when you have almost left the store with the necessary purchases and relaxed, the last trick awaits you - the cashier's offer to buy this or that product at a special price. Do not automatically agree, most likely, this special price is not so small, and the product itself is not worth it to take it. Even if on the way home you decide that the offer is profitable, you can always return to the store another time and buy it or any other one that seems worthy and profitable to you. Do not accept the offer to take a few more goods up to the amount for which the discount applies today. You are unlikely to go back to the department for cereals or vegetables, but start taking goods from the checkout. Even if you get some kind of small discount, then the extra goods that will then lie idle at home will not help real savings.

Under the bright label of your favorite product, only preservatives and flavors that are unnecessary for the body can be hidden. At the same time, such delicacies are usually not cheap, since their promotion is accompanied by loud, memorable advertising. Before you send them to your food basket, think about whether you really need to replenish your body with another dose of dyes and harmful substances and at the same time spend money in vain. Nutritionists have compiled a list of the TOP 10 most useless products that have no place on your table.

Dangerous foods: muesli threatens with diabetes, and chocolate with caries

  1. Yogurt . This fermented milk product is useful if its shelf life does not exceed five to seven days. A long shelf life indicates a high content of preservatives.
  • Yogurt with a shelf life of more than a week is not useful.
  1. Muesli. In their favor speaks the high content of natural grains, minerals, fiber. But freeze-dried flakes with various flavors are not needed. As a result of the processing of cereals, only their fragments with a high starch content remain. The latter is responsible for the accumulation of sugar, and therefore fat in the body.
  • Fast cereals can lead to excess weight, pancreatic diseases and diabetes.
  1. Sugar. Although this product is derived from sugar beet or sugar cane, it does not contain beneficial nutrients.
  • Replace sugar with honey.
  1. Pasta. The myth about the benefits of pasta arose because of the Italians' addiction to them. However, they do not like pasta at all, but pasta made from durum wheat. It provides the body with healthy carbohydrates and nutrients that improve metabolism.
  • Habitual pasta does not have the qualities of pastes. They are made from soft varieties of wheat, and therefore saturate the body only with energy.
  1. Black chocolate . The benefits of chocolate are nothing more than a myth. The only thing that speaks in his favor is an increase in the blood level of the hormone of happiness, serotonin, the lack of which can cause depression.
  • Researchers believe that if you eat a lot of chocolate to improve serotonin synthesis, then this is more likely to cause an urgent visit to the dentist, rather than contribute to hormonal shifts.

Mistresses, do not waste money on useless products! cook yourself

  1. Chewing gum . The myth that chewing gum saves teeth from caries is nothing more than a publicity stunt.
  • Chewing gum can cause damage to tooth enamel, and if used frequently in children, it can cause a bite defect.
  1. Ready sushi. This Japanese dish has a beneficial effect on the body: rice cleanses it, and fish nourishes it with useful fatty acids. But only if the sushi was served immediately after preparation.
  1. Crisps. These snacks, like chewing gum, have received widespread recognition through advertising.
    Today, manufacturers are trying to prepare the so-called healthy chips from vegetables and fruits. However, like potatoes, they do not carry any benefit.
  2. Canned juices. Natural freshly squeezed juices are beneficial for the body due to the high content of vitamins. The composition of packaged and canned products includes only water and concentrate.
  • Make juice at home. So you get fortified drinks and do not waste your money.

10. Bouillon cubes complete the TOP 10 unnecessary products. Homemade soups and bouillon cubes are united only by taste. The latter do not contain useful elements inherent in homemade first courses, but are a source of preservatives, dyes, flavors and salt.

What woman does not dream of eating and not getting fat? I think everyone has dreamed about it at least once. In fact, this is a completely feasible desire, you just need to choose the right foods - and a little magic will happen.

The trick is to eat foods that digest slowly and keep you feeling full for a long time. By eating this way, you will not gain extra pounds, because calorie intake is reduced.
When following a diet, it is important to avoid feeling hungry, because because of it we tend to overeat after eating. When you eat foods rich in protein and fiber, the feeling of hunger will not haunt you. What are these products? Let's figure it out.

Boiled potatoes

Many avoid potatoes when trying to lose weight, but this is completely in vain. Yes, it contains a large amount of carbohydrates, but it does not have less vitamins, fiber and other nutrients.
Potatoes also contain resistant starch, which helps you consume fewer calories and keep you feeling full longer. After all, this type of starch contains two times fewer calories than regular one, and helps to satisfy hunger. But it's only about boiled potatoes. Fried potatoes or chips are not included in this list.


Usually oatmeal is consumed for breakfast, because it keeps you feeling full for a long time, as it contains a lot of fiber and absorbs water. It also contains beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that helps slow down the absorption of carbohydrates.


It is an indispensable product in the diet. They contain 9 amino acids. Most of the nutrients are in the yolk. An egg breakfast will help keep you feeling full until lunch and consume fewer calories throughout the day. It is preferable to use boiled eggs. They are also useful because they contain good cholesterol and vitamin D.

Broth-based soups

Although liquid meals are usually less satiating than solid foods, soups are not. After all, soups that are cooked in broth contain a lot of protein and water. It is this combination that helps to get rid of hunger.
Soups can contain meat and vegetables, so there will be both protein and fiber, which will save not only excess weight, but also protect against unwanted bloating.


Fruit is an integral part proper nutrition. And the apples the best option, because they saturate well due to the content of pectin, which slows down digestion. Apples are high in water and soluble fiber, but low in calories.
Regular consumption of apples helps to reduce weight. They are also a good source of antioxidants, which help boost your metabolism.


Like apples, citrus fruits are high in fiber, water, and vitamin C, which make you feel full and help you consume fewer calories. They also help reduce bloating and increase energy levels.


This is the lightest meat that contains a lot of protein. Thanks to the protein, chicken meat can relieve you of hunger for a long time and increase metabolism, which will help you burn calories. Chicken can be eaten in any form.


Peas, beans, lentils are an excellent source of fiber and protein. Consumption of these foods promotes satiety and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Without a doubt, any representative of the fair sex faced a dilemma when there is no space in the closet, and, in principle, there is nothing to wear. The same thing happens with our refrigerator. Going to the supermarket, we try to make purchases for a week in reserve, however, much of what we bought, unfortunately, we do not use, but simply throw it away after the expiration date or after the product has deteriorated.

Surely you yourself sometimes with great surprise found in the far corner of the refrigerator shelf some kind of delicacy that you did not remember when you bought it. And all this already expired food (sometimes quite expensive) flies into the garbage chute with a roar! And in our time it is a very expensive pleasure, throwing money around like that! So what can be done to ensure that everything you need to prepare a variety of dishes is always at hand, and at the same time not to buy anything extra?

How to avoid unnecessary spending

To do this, before going to the hypermarket, you need to calculate the family menu for the next week and inspect the products that you have at home. For example, cereals and all kinds of flour products such as pasta have a shelf life of several months, so their wholesale purchase is financially justified. But vegetables like potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, paprika, and so on, you need to buy only in the amount needed for the near future.

Now, after we have dealt with the products for side dishes, we need to calculate in which dishes you will use them, what you need to cook them, and in what quantity. Write out all your calculations in a notebook, which you will then take with you when shopping.

When compiling the menu for the week, do not forget to take into account all the nuances. For example, that you will need to take food to work with you, that not all adult meals are suitable for children, as well as your diet, if any.

The first part will include products that can be bought for the future for a week, such as canned food, vegetable oil, pasta, spices, cereals, long-term storage vegetables (carrots, potatoes, onions, etc.).

In the second part of the list we put various dairy products, fruits, vegetables, herbs, which are more reasonable to buy several times throughout the week. For example, on Monday you can take some bananas and grapes, and after a couple of days - three days - apples, oranges and tangerines. This method will help to make the nutrition of your household more varied, healthy and complete.

The third list includes products that are more expedient to buy every day or every other day - bread, milk, cottage cheese.

This method will help you save a lot of money and not clutter up the refrigerator much. However, if after all this you still have a lot of unused products, then we advise you to try one more military trick: write the menu not for a full week, but for 5-6 days, in the remaining days, cook from what you still have in a refrigerator. Or arrange for yourself and your loved ones fasting days, which will be relevant for people who follow their figure.

Excess weight - consequence.
Excess food is the reason.

Excess food can be not only in quantity, but also in quality.
extra food It's not just overkill.
Excess food is any, even a very small amount of food that the body does not need. Not our food, superfluous. Strawberries and carrots - superfluous for a wolf and a crocodile; meat and eggs are superfluous for a bull and an elephant.

We consume a huge amount of excess food. The reason for this is so simple that it is impossible to discern: we eat unnatural food.
Extra Too much, or just too much.

Too salty.
Too dry.
Too greasy.
Too sweet.
Too spicy, sour, bitter...

Too much extra food.

Consequence of eating too much (overeating or eating unnatural food)- diseases. Always, sooner or later.

Nature has provided protection from excess.

Unnecessary extra: poisonous fruits, mushrooms and berries smell bad and taste bitter.

Excess extra: when the stomach is full, satiety sets in; if you continue to eat - there will be heaviness.

From excess we are protected by a gag or laxative reflex. Ate poison or overate - empty the stomach and live, poisoning of the blood (and the whole body) will not occur.

But wegreedy. We have come up with a lot of ways to deceive nature and consume poisons in any quantities and at the same time we are not sick and do not carry. The stomach regularly sends huge portions of undigested, indigestible food to the intestines, the liver and pancreas are desperately trying to neutralize the terrible consequences, the intestines are covered with protective mucus so as not to let the excess into the blood ... But all in vain.

Tissues slowly, to the accompaniment of hormones of pleasure produced in response to poisoning with toxic poisons: the decay products of denatured proteins, oxidized and heat-treated fats, boiled starches, and all sorts of incredible combinations of them, are filled with excess "poison". The immune system can not cope with obscure substances and encapsulates toxic elements in body fat.

Human fat is not an energy store, but a garbage dump.

Superfluous. Extra weight that we have to carry with us around the clock. Try to carry several dumbbells with you every day, or even a couple of barbells, tied around your lower back with them.

How did we do it? What for?
It's not even greed. We want more because we have been deceived. Rather, we ourselves (our ancestors) made a mistake. Nature gave us reason, and we used it to profit from each other. Man, as well as tamed animals, will always be in command of the one who feeds. Pilot. The helmsman benefits only insatiable slaves, otherwise they are no longer slaves.

What is wrong?
We do not want to be content with what nature has in store for us. We cook-fry-steam-bake- we conserve. We can't eat a lot of raw food, and the assortment is small. We are used to eating everything: meat, milk, cereals, root crops ... But you can’t eat this: these are all poisons, superfluous. Then we invented pots for ourselves and everything went like clockwork.

By the way, about oil: without it, it’s not very possible to eat boiled-fried food. And without salt, without spicy - it turns out fresh.

The stomach of a person, like any other animal, is designed for living food prepared by nature and, accordingly, understandable to him. Its main function - denaturation (cleavage) of proteins with hydrochloric acid - basics of gastric juice. When the process is completed, the proteins dissolved by the acid enter the intestines in a liquefied form.

While eating, as you are full, the concentration of acid in the gastric juice gradually decreases, and with it the activity of the protein denaturation process. Up to the point that food can pass through the entire intestine and come out naturally in an undigested form. This effect can be seen well in children. - very simple and reliable method of protection against overeating.

But! It only works with live, uncooked food. Destroyed (denatured) not by acids, but by high temperature, the protein is not perceived by the stomach, it is powerless to control the defense. Almost everything that enters the stomach in a “ready” form will be absorbed in the intestines. it - excess food, and excess weight as a result.

Try the experiment: raw (you must be sure of this, better - own collection) nuts against roasted. Raw you can eat a handful, a maximum of two - our natural measure, after which saturation will come. nuts - a very nutritious product and its excess is dangerous (a lot of fat and protein). If you continue to eat - vomit instinct sets in - We have it well preserved and works great. And now try to repeat this experiment with roasted nuts, it is especially good to help them squeeze in with the help of salt. - the most powerful stimulant of salivation. The gentlemen who feed us are well aware of this. Only a strong thirst can stop you: drink ... and again for nuts. This can go on indefinitely.

Do not blame the chemical / food industry / medicine for greed - they only study us and take advantage of our weaknesses. For money? No, only for our health and pleasure. (Sarcasm)

You only have yourself to blame: there have always been many temptations, and there will be even more, but no one can stop you if you choose a different, alternative path. remember - you are not the only one.

Avoid artificial food.
Be afraid of easily digestible food.
Refuse excess food.

We are weak creatures because we have a lot of excess. We have a lot of excess, because we are weak ...

Getting rid of excess weight is not difficult at all: you need to get rid of superfluous food.

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