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Sprouting green buckwheat for breakfast. Green buckwheat: benefits and harms, how it differs from the usual one, how to germinate green buckwheat and how to cook it correctly Green buckwheat for sprouting

Sprouting legumes and grains is an ideal way to enrich your daily menu with a huge amount of healing elements and substances. Small sprouts have magical properties and are very useful, especially in the spring season. They will help you solve skin problems, improve your appearance, and increase your energy.

Thanks to the long-term use of germinated cereals, you can improve the quality of your life and prolong youth.

There is a list of beans and grains whose sprouts can be eaten. Buckwheat is considered one of the most popular and delicious products. For sprouting, it is necessary to use only raw, not fried cereals of good quality.

Sprouting buckwheat for food has a number of its own characteristics. In order for the sprouts to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to carefully adhere to all the recommendations described below.

  • No more than 2 cups of feedstock can be germinated at a time.
  • The prepared cereal must be washed very thoroughly to prevent the formation of mucus.
  • In the process of germination, it is necessary to monitor the amount of liquid in the workpiece, its excess or lack can spoil the product.

Your mark:

Time for preparing: 23 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Raw buckwheat: 2 tbsp.

Cooking instructions

    Rinse raw water (several times). Put in a bowl, pour the liquid, leave for 10-12 hours.

    Thoroughly wash the prepared cereal and filter it through a sieve.

    We spread the mass on a flat (wide) dish, distributing buckwheat around the entire perimeter of the dish with a thin layer (8-10 mm).

    Cover the container with a thick cloth, leave for 12-20 hours.

The ancient sages said: "The medicine should be the food itself, and the food should be the medicine." As much as we would like food to bring only benefits, this dream seems unattainable. We know that some products, being pleasant to the taste, act destructively on the body, while others, although useful, do not arouse the desire to eat them.

A look at buckwheat from a new angle

Buckwheat is very well known in our country. It is also grown in large quantities in China. From our continent, it has spread throughout the world and is loved everywhere for its excellent taste.

In order to restore an exhausted, poisoned by harmful food impurities, slagged body, we increasingly began to turn to the topic of healthy nutrition.

There is an opinion that a healthy diet is either self-torture and torture, or a very expensive pleasure. By no means, no. In this article we will talk about buckwheat, which is familiar to our taste, but we will look at it from a somewhat unusual angle and find out how to germinate green buckwheat and why it should be done.

What is the meaning of sprouting

Sprouted grains are a storehouse of well-balanced vitamins and microelements that are vital for the full functioning of all human systems and organs. Needless to say, that in a natural product - green buckwheat - they are presented in the most easily digestible form?

About how to properly germinate buckwheat so that the sprouts turn out to be not only healthy, but also tasty, and the money spent on a not the cheapest product is not wasted, we undertake to tell.

Buckwheat is considered germinated as soon as the first shoots have hatched. It is most useful for 2, 3 and 4 days of germination.

The size of the sprouts depends on several factors. Firstly, on the properties of a given buckwheat variety, and secondly, on the conditions of germination (air temperature, illumination, thickening, or the concentration of grains in a container).

sprout flour

Having understood and figured out how to germinate buckwheat for food in small quantities to use it for several days, you can make yourself a supply of grain that can be turned into flour for bread, pancakes, pancakes or flat cakes, cook cereals and soups with it. For this purpose, dry the grains in the oven and grind them with a coffee grinder or blender. To make flour, sprout a kilogram of buckwheat and dry it in an oven at 40-60 degrees. Keep the oven door ajar to allow the moisture to evaporate faster. Lay out the buckwheat on paper with and instead of a baking sheet, take a grate, which is included in the mandatory set of accessories for all household gas stoves.

Dry the grains in several stages, periodically allowing them to cool and stabilize. Stir during the drying process - this will accelerate the evaporation of moisture. Put the well-dried grain in a breathable package and store, like all cereals, in a dark, dry, cool place.

Everyone can grow green buckwheat

The most important thing in germination is to prevent the grains from souring. If they are washed in time, disinfected, provided with access to oxygen and light, then you will get a high-quality product - a panacea for many diseases, including cancer.

Having figured out how to germinate green buckwheat for different purposes (to obtain a fresh vitamin concentrate that protects and heals many diseases, to make flour with an enriched microbiological composition), you can do this with other crops - both cereals and legumes and seeds. Adding sprouts to your daily diet will save you from visiting hospitals and spending money on doctors and medicines.

Everyone has long known that buckwheat must be germinated in order to get all the benefits of grain for yourself. After all, it is in the germinated grain that contains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.Many times more than in unforgiven dry grain and than in an already grown plant. Sprouting the grain, you thereby "revive" it. And by adding “revitalized” grains to your diet, you noticeably enrich your food - making it more nutritious and easily digestible! After all, brown roasted buckwheat will never germinate, which means that it is not alive and will not be able to transfer its valuable nutrients to you. Brown buckwheat is roasted at high temperatures to keep it longer. Only a living product sprouts, and this is green buckwheat - not killed by exposure to high temperatures.However, for some reason it is believed that germinating grains is long and dreary. And I know that very often not everyone succeeds in germinating green buckwheat at home the first time. Therefore, I decided to describe in detail how to sprout green buckwheat at home, so that everyone can enjoy this super-healthy Russian product.

I’ll tell you step by step how to quickly germinate green buckwheat at home:

one). Pour green buckwheat with drinking water at room temperature. And leave for one night. If some grains immediately float up, then they can be carefully removed from above and thrown away, since these are “dead grains” and they will not germinate anyway. Water needs to be poured a lot - about a third more than the volume of dry grain.

2). In the morning, thoroughly rinse green buckwheat with tap water. You will see that when soaking buckwheat, a lot of mucus was released. This is fine. Just this mucus and you need to properly rinse. If this mucus is not washed, then buckwheat simply will not germinate, since mucus interferes with germination. In the same way, if you want to sprout flax, it must be washed out of mucus. However, I use unsprouted flax with mucus, as it is very helpful in cleansing the intestines.

3). After you wash the green buckwheat, you need to cover it on top with a ventilated lid or a clean cloth and leave it to germinate at room temperature. It is not necessary to close it tightly - it is important that the buckwheat "breathes" and does not deteriorate. It is not necessary to fill green buckwheat with water. It will be wet after rinsing - that's enough. Please note that you need to spread green buckwheat on a sprouting tray in one layer (otherwise the lower layers of buckwheat will not germinate, because they will not “breathe”).

4). Then we just wait for the sprouts to hatch. At the same time, every 8-12 hours we wash green buckwheat with water. It takes just a couple of minutes, since there will be no more mucus and the buckwheat will be washed quickly. Such washing is necessary to moisten the buckwheat - this promotes germination. I wash in a colander.

5). Buckwheat germinates in about a day. And if you germinate a lot of buckwheat and can’t eat it all at once, then it’s better to store it in the refrigerator. Sprouted buckwheat is stored in the refrigerator for about 3 days. In principle, it can be stored in the refrigerator for longer, but it will begin to germinate further. But the most useful substances are concentrated in sprouts 1-3 mm long. Therefore, it is better to germinate buckwheat for a day so that there is no more left.

This is how easy and fast you can sprout buckwheat at home.

What is the use of sprouted green buckwheat?

  • Sprouted buckwheat is useful for overweight and obesity: it regulates cholesterol levels in the body and contains proteins and carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the body;
  • Removes toxins from the body;
  • Germinated buckwheat seeds contain a very important polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega-3: prevention of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis;
  • Contains macro - and microelements: magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, silicon, phosphorus, manganese, silicon, selenium, sulfur, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, iodine, cobalt, fluorine, boron, aluminum, vanadium. All of them are extremely necessary for the body and perform many functions, such as acid-base balance, participation in the production of insulin, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, support for immunity and bone structure, prevention of diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Sprouted green buckwheat to all!)

Healthy food is becoming more and more popular. One of the products with high nutritional value is green buckwheat for sprouting. But not everyone knows how to germinate green buckwheat. Let's talk about the technology of germinating grains at home and how to use sprouts.

Green buckwheat differs from brown buckwheat in that it is not subjected to industrial heat treatment and retains all natural vitamins and microelements. When such grains are germinated, all useful substances are activated and easily absorbed by the body. Buckwheat becomes "alive". Until recently, unprocessed buckwheat was an outlandish product. Today, it can be found in any natural food store, and sometimes in a regular supermarket. What are the useful properties of this product and why does it attract healthy lifestyle adherents so much?

Nutritional value of green buckwheat

Green buckwheat sprouts contain 18 amino acids, 9 of which are essential, and are the leader in the content of vitamins and minerals among cereals. They contain:

  • vitamin PP;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin P;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;

Green buckwheat is ideal for nutrition - it is easily digested and saturates the body with slow carbohydrates. Due to its amino acid composition, sprouted buckwheat has an extremely beneficial effect:

  • prevents cardiovascular diseases;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • restores the "correct" microflora in the intestine;
  • protects blood vessels and prevents arthritis and osteoporosis;
  • protects the immune system and strengthens the skin, nails and hair;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Green buckwheat is versatile - you can eat it as much as you want, combine with all kinds of products and add to different dishes - cold and hot, salty and sweet. In addition, the balanced composition of germinated buckwheat allows it to become a full-fledged replacement for animal protein.

Green buckwheat as an alternative to meat

It has already been proven that any meat is more or less harmful to health, clogs blood vessels with cholesterol, is difficult to digest and even causes cancer. Although it has nutrients, whether they will be absorbed by the body is a big question. Sprouted buckwheat contains quite a lot of easily digestible protein, organic healthy fats and more than 70% carbohydrates. It is not for nothing that they call it a superfood (from the English “superfood”), such food energizes for several hours and has no side effects.

Product namekcal per 100 gProteins per 100 gFats per 100 gCarbohydrates per 100g
300 13 4 71
Veal90 19,7 1,2 0
Beef187 18,9 12,4 0
Rabbit199 20,7 12,9 0
Mutton203 16,3 15,3 0
Medium fat pork320 16,4 27,8 0

It is interesting

The famous American doctor, nutritionist and star trainer Douglas Graham determined the optimal ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats as a percentage for a person as 80/10/10. In his book The 80/10/10 Diet, he wrote that modern protein intake standards are greatly overestimated, and in order to maintain the functioning of organs and muscles, an adult needs a large amount of high-quality carbohydrates. If this statement is true, then green buckwheat has every chance of displacing meat and taking center stage on dinner tables.

How to germinate buckwheat?

To properly germinate buckwheat, you will need:

  • green buckwheat;
  • sprouting cup - glass, ceramic, clay (but not plastic);
  • running water for washing grains;
  • clean water for sprouting buckwheat;
  • clean cotton cloth (or gauze);

Different sources suggest sprouting buckwheat in different ways. Someone revives the grains within two or even three days, and someone enjoys the finished product after 24 hours. The fact is that green buckwheat activates all the nutrients already at the moment when the sprouts have just hatched, and this happens in a day. Therefore, we will describe exactly this method of germination.

Usually the grains are soaked in the morning so that they germinate by the next breakfast. But, in general, this can be done at any time of the day.

To germinate green buckwheat, you need to perform a number of simple steps.

  1. Pour the required amount of green buckwheat into a glass or ceramic cup.
  2. Rinse with running water - pour and drain water several times.
  3. Remove grains that float when washed - they will not germinate.
  4. Pour the washed buckwheat with water.

    It is better to take the highest quality water - spring or melted water, in extreme cases - filtered. It will be absorbed into the grain and activate the processes of revitalization.

  5. Leave for 6 - 10 hours.
  6. Rinse thoroughly with running water - pour and drain water several times.
  7. Cover clean moist grains in a cup with a damp cloth.
  8. Leave on the table for 12 - 15 hours.

At this stage, it is important not to put unsprouted buckwheat in the refrigerator (cold will stop the revival process), do not cover the grains with a lid so that air circulates in the cup, and do not leave the cup completely open - the grains will dry out and not come to life. It is worth covering the container with gauze.

Small ponytails (sprouts) appeared on the grains, which means that sprouted buckwheat is ready for use.

It is better to store sprouted buckwheat in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

How to cook sprouted buckwheat?

Green sprouted buckwheat can be used to make a variety of foods and drinks. In addition, it can be used as an independent dish and added to the usual food - soups, side dishes, meat, vegetables. This will make them healthier and more nutritious.


A sprouted green buckwheat smoothie usually consists of the following ingredients:

  • green buckwheat;
  • water;
  • fruit / vegetable / greens;
  • honey (or other sweetener)

The number of components can be changed all the time. A more nutritious smoothie will have more buckwheat, a refreshing fruit smoothie will have more fruit, you can not add a sweetener at all. By experimenting with different flavors, you can develop recipes for making your perfect drink.

To prepare a smoothie, grind the selected ingredients in a blender until smooth. Smoothies are drunk from a straw or from a bottle, and if it is thick, they simply eat with a spoon. It retains not only all the nutrients of its constituent products, but also useful fiber.


Green buckwheat porridge is created on the basis of sprouted grains ground in a blender. As a rule, its main ingredients are buckwheat and banana. Banana makes porridge very sweet and fragrant.

To your taste, you can add to the porridge:

  • dates;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • flaxseed - it will create a consistency close to oatmeal.

These ingredients are best added in a soaked form - pre-wash and pour boiling water for a few minutes. They can be ground together with buckwheat in a blender or added in pieces just before eating porridge.

In addition, ordinary porridge is also prepared from seedlings - you can also cook green buckwheat. However, during heat treatment, some of the useful substances die.

Buckwheat can be prepared in many ways:

  • steamed (in ratio with water 2:1, cooking time - 15 minutes);
  • steam with boiling water and let it brew (in a ratio of 2: 1 with water, until the water is completely absorbed);
  • cook on the stove - the least preferred option (cooking time - 15 minutes, ratio with water - 2: 1).

In cooked sprouts, as well as in ordinary buckwheat porridge, you can add healthy vegetable oils (linseed, unrefined sunflower, sesame and others) or butter.

Salads and raw food dishes

Sprouted grains can be added to any salad, but are best sprinkled on fresh vegetables. Such a salad will saturate the body with vitamins, cleanse with fiber and create the right microflora in the intestines.

Today, raw food diet is gaining popularity - a type of food that excludes traditional heat treatment. As a rule, raw foodists are adherents of plant foods. Sprouted grains are the main source of nutrients in a raw food diet, and green buckwheat is a favorite.

In addition to the above dishes, a wide variety of raw foods are prepared from sprouts:

  • pate;
  • sauces for salads;
  • cold soups;
  • loaves;
  • pizza base;
  • rolls.

Unloading days on sprouted buckwheat

The usual human diet, as a rule, includes a lot of "non-living" thermally processed food and little fiber. Few nutrients remain in cooked food, and while digesting it, the body works hard to get the most out of the food available. The body does not have time or energy for deep cleansing actions at the cellular level - they come down only to the superficial removal of processed products from the body.

Often, our body just needs a general cleaning, so fasting days are considered very useful. Why is unloading on buckwheat seedlings useful? This method is suitable for active people. It will allow you to get enough calories for normal life and start the self-cleansing functions of the body. "Live" grains stimulate the slag-removing functions of the body, however, if the body is very polluted, then during fasting days, unpleasant or painful sensations may appear:

  • headaches;
  • pain in the joints;
  • sweating;
  • weakness;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • smell from the mouth.

All these effects speak of cleansing the body - the stronger the discomfort, the more slagged the body. Therefore, when unloading (including on buckwheat seedlings), you should not take any medications and give the body additional physical activity.

Such fasting days are very useful for losing weight - thanks to the same cleansing and slag-removing effect on buckwheat sprouts, extra pounds go away.

Different diets and nutrition systems recommend eating different foods. Today there are so many of these systems that the only way to understand whether a food is suitable for a particular person is to rely on sensations. Even very healthy green buckwheat may not be suitable - individual intolerance will arise or it will seem simply tasteless. Therefore, when introducing buckwheat sprouts into the diet, it is better to be consistent and moderate.


Hello! My name is Vika Leping, and today I will talk about how to germinate green buckwheat and why you need sprouted buckwheat at all. This is an incredibly important product in the diet of a healthy person, and now I put it on my list of very affordable superfoods. I described the list itself in my detailed article. Very interesting, read it. And if I were writing this article today, green buckwheat would not take the last place in it.

Yes, the benefits of buckwheat are undeniable, we all (East Slavic peoples) actively eat it from infancy, this is a very popular porridge, which has always been considered a source of health. However, is the buckwheat that we used to eat so useful, and how is green buckwheat useful? We all know that this cereal is endowed with an incredible amount of minerals and vitamins (if I start listing, it will take half a page), many of them are contained only in buckwheat (from other cereals), it also contains essential amino acids (tryptophan, threonine and lysine), folic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Yes, the composition of buckwheat is amazing! However, the usual brown buckwheat is a pre-fried cereal that has already lost half of its useful properties. Since it is impossible to eat it directly from the pack (it is very hard), we all cooked it for 20-25 minutes, and during this time it lost another half of its usefulness from the remaining half. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that ordinary fried buckwheat be poured with hot water at night, and not boiled, so there are more benefits, and it tastes even better - more crumbly. That is why it is green buckwheat that appears in my article, the benefits of which are 100%!

In addition, the benefits of green buckwheat in the process of germination increase at least 2 times, because the dormant grains come to life, sprout, and the sprouts contain the most useful, the most "strong" substances that give tremendous energy to start the life of a new plant! By the way, having written the word "colossal", I thought about its origin, didn't it come from the word ear and from its strength? 🙂 Reflections of a philologist. Can you imagine how many useful things you have lost all your life?

And if you do not know where to buy green buckwheat, then I will say that it is often sold in simple stores. And if not, you can always order in the online health food store. And green buckwheat itself is absolutely inexpensive, its price in Kyiv differs from the usual one by 2-5 hryvnias. It is practically identical, which cannot but rejoice, although raw buckwheat (germination is possible only with it), it seems to me, should cost less, on the contrary, because the whole roasting process is omitted. But everyone wants to make money on people's health, there's nothing you can do about it.

And a few more words about the topic loved by women. Green buckwheat for weight loss is a great option. We all know the buckwheat diet, everyone was on it, and indeed, you can lose a couple of kilograms on it, but I do not advise practicing mono-diets. This is not a healthy approach, lose weight on proper nutrition by connecting sports to it, namely cardio. But more about that another time. Now I’ll say that green buckwheat, whose calorie content is as much as 310 calories, oddly enough, really helps to lose weight because of the desired composition of grains, it normalizes metabolism and energizes for the whole day. The main thing is not to eat it in tons, like any other product. This is an excellent source of complex, healthy carbohydrates!

And after a long preface, which is undoubtedly very important, I will proceed to the process itself. So, sprouted green buckwheat, a step-by-step recipe with a photo, or how to germinate green buckwheat.


Cooking method

Sprouting green buckwheat is a fairly simple process, the main thing is to know a few rules. As you can see, you only need two ingredients available to everyone. First of all, thoroughly wash the buckwheat in a sieve and transfer it in an even thin layer to a flat baking dish, for example. Although, now I already use smaller plastic containers, but I already got my hands on it, so start with a larger surface.

Fill the grain with water. Green buckwheat for sprouting should be completely covered with it, it will absorb moisture and swell. We leave somewhere for 2.5-3 hours. It is possible for a longer time, it will begin to germinate directly in the water, but "mucus" will appear. This does not mean that the sprouted buckwheat has deteriorated, this is an ordinary process, this buckwheat jelly will need to be carefully drained, the green buckwheat itself will dry out and become normal. Although there are people who eat it 🙂 I am not one of them.

After the right time, we take a sieve and pour the liquid-jelly with buckwheat into it. By running your hand along the bottom of the sieve from the outside, we help the liquid drain. We wash our hand, repeat the process until the green buckwheat for sprouting remains with a minimum amount of liquid, it is impossible to drain it all. You can still rinse the grains with purified water, but I don’t do that, the jelly evaporates anyway.

Now I wash the container in which the green buckwheat for sprouting soaked, wipe and shift the grains back, distributing them in an even layer.

Cover with a towel or container lid, leaving a strong gap. If it is not there, sprouted buckwheat may become moldy and not dry out.

We leave the container with buckwheat overnight at room temperature. The main thing is not on the window, so that the rays of the sun do not fall. And in the morning we see a wonderful picture - the germination of buckwheat gave its sprouts!

Now you know how to germinate green buckwheat! In principle, it can be eaten now, but it is advisable to let it germinate for another day or two. So, as in the photo below, it will look like in 2 days. In general, the next day it is better to put it in the refrigerator, without closing it tightly, where it will continue to grow.

Long, beautiful shoots. Here is such a cool sprouted green buckwheat - recipes with it will be later, but I will say right away: it is desirable to eat it right like that. For me, it is very tasty, has a rich taste, completely different from ordinary boiled buckwheat, which cannot but rejoice me, because I have never loved or eaten the latter 🙂

But if you really don’t like this taste, I’ll tell you how to cook green buckwheat: just fill it with hot water, cover with a lid and let stand for 30-60 minutes. So it will be less useful, but still much more than usual and than unsprouted in general.

I also have a cool way to add crunchiness to plain yogurt! If sprouted buckwheat dries for a couple of days at room temperature, it becomes very crispy. Even more than just dry green buckwheat, which, by the way, you can also eat with pleasure, it is not hard at all, unlike ordinary buckwheat. Dried sprouted is my favorite to eat with low-fat unsweetened yogurt, favorite fruit, coconut, flaxseeds and honey! Delicious incredible! There is a photo from my Instagram :

Well, everything. Now you have access to a new green buckwheat, cooking, sprouting, raw food and all that. And I will summarize.

Short recipe: sprouted buckwheat, or how to germinate green buckwheat?

  1. We wash the buckwheat with running water, distribute it over a horizontal container, fill it with purified water and leave it for 2.5-3 hours.
  2. After a while, pour the grain for germination into a sieve and carefully drain all the jelly-like liquid, helping with your hand from the outside of the bottom.
  3. We wash the container in which the green buckwheat lay, wipe it and shift the seedlings back, distributing them in an even layer.
  4. Cover with a towel or lid, leaving a strong gap, put in a dark place at room temperature for the night, and preferably for 1-2 days.
  5. The next day, sprouted buckwheat can already be moved to the refrigerator, where it will continue to germinate safely.
  6. Now you know how to germinate green buckwheat!

My large and detailed guide to sprouting buckwheat is finished. Hope you find it useful! And I will continue to germinate various cereals and legumes, then I will tell you about my other achievements! This process of PP and healthy lifestyle dragged me out very much. But I will not deceive you, I can afford to eat nasty things if I really want to. Although, I usually try to replace them with something less harmful. It doesn’t always work out, just recently I ate chips and my favorite Milka with Oreo chocolate at night 😀 But I don’t regret it, sometimes you can. Do you have any similar "flares"? 😀

And, of course, other useful, and maybe not very, recipes are waiting for you very soon. Be sure to stay with me so you don't miss out, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a collection of full-fledged recipes of 20 dishes that are prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eat fast and tasty - it's real!

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